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Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 10:54:21 -1000 (HST)
From: Dennis Pierce <dpierce@al*.ne*>
To: john thornton <johnpt@jo*.de*.co*.uk*>
cc: Harold Gartner <hgartner@ra*.or*>, "Tech. Diver" <>
Subject: Re: CCR500

you can email me privately or on the list any questions you have on the

i have bought the first two (sorry to copy you rich :-) ), and will be
doing training on them in august.. putting together an instructor trainer
program for the unit.  it will be thru IANTD if Tom agrees as i would not
consider any other agency.

I have also reserved the next 15 units after the first 10 (which are
already sold), i have plenty of information (and photos and fliers) on
the units and will be glad to help you with this.

the units cost 5K

the training 1k (5day)

I will be holding the first training course here in hawaii next month for
some of the UH guys.

The next course will be the end of august in CA.

you can email me or call me at home


you can also call at my shop but i am not there very much, too much to do
on the other islands..



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