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From: <Trey_Irvine@sa*.ne*>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 21:37:15 -0400 (EDT)
To: techvid@ne*.co* (Brown, Christopher)
Subject: Re: Kris Mann
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,
  Chris, you left out the pot-smoking drunk part, and the fact that he was
shitfaced at 2:00 am when he ran into the tree. Only a real asshole drives
around drunk, and only an asshole like you would put out a post about this
without mentioning the truth. Is this what we call "personal preference" ,

        At 04:55 PM 6/17/96 -0500, you wrote:
>It is with real sadness that I must inform you that a one-car accident near
>his home took the life of Tallahassee cave diver Kris Mann on Friday night,
>June 15. Kris was a Vietnam veteran, a pool builder, a loving family man,
>and a well-liked member of Florida's cave diving community.

>Kris discovered the world of cave diving when a vast cave system was
>discovered on his property, north of Tallahassee, in November of 1990.
>Concerns about pollution of the areas aquifers had been raised by the
>proposed placement of a gasoline pipeline and 6.5 million gallon storage
>tank farm near Kris' property. An opponent of the tank farm, Kris gave
>permission to cave divers to explore Bird Sink, the enourmous siphon
>immediately adjacent to his house, in the interest of demonstrating its
>function in re-charging the aquifers and its vulnerability to gasoline
>spills from the proposed tank farm.
>Kris hosted the group of over 20 explorers in his home, becoming a good
>friend and an eager student of cave diving and the research it fosters. The
>ensuing Bird Sink Probe collected specimens of troglobitic crayfish,
>videotaped the cave and the man-made materials that get swept into the huge
>swallow hole, and mapped over 4,000 feet of downstream bore-hole tunnel,
>averaging 50 feet in diameter, and maintaining an average depth of 150
>feet. Armed with this evidence, and information about the network of
>swallow holes nearby, citizens groups were able to demonstrate that the
>area is one of Florida's most significant re-charge systems, and prevented
>the pipeline and tank farm construction after a four year legal battle with
>a consortium of major petroleum companies. This victory for the aquifers
>would not have been possible without Kris' cooperation and enthusiastic
>Over the years since the discoveries at Bird Sink, Kris became a certified
>cave diver and participated in many gatherings of the National Association
>for Cave Diving and the Cave Diving Section of the National Speleological
>Society. As well as many cave dives with a wide assortment of good friends,
>a great source of pride and pleasure was the opportunity to host Sheck
>Exley and guide him on a tour of Bird Sink Cave. Recently, Kris was
>involved in the exploration, with Frank Richardson, of a newly discovered
>cave system not far from the Natural Bridge Springs area south of
>Kris' tremendous humor, warmth, vitality, generosity, and deeply caring
>nature will be sorely missed.
>Christopher A. Brown
>Sci-Graphica PR and DOCENT FILMS
>The Technical Diving Video Library (TDVL) at
>(N.Am. & Canada): 1-800-373-7222
>Outside US:904-942-7222  Fax:904-942-1240
>Life is short -- this is not a rehearsal.
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