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Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 19:54:00 -0700
From: George Irvine <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re:
To: screwloose@ne*.co* (Dunk, John), cavers@ge*.co*
  Right now he is on the Forest Moon of Endor. You will have to get Luke 
Skywalker to contact him. His email is John Crea (Cavediver) at some compuserve 
address. I will put it on Compuserve, where he is holding court as we speak,
have him contact you

On Wed, 29 May 1996, screwloose@ne*.co* (Dunk, John) wrote:
>If anyone has the current email address for John Crea,could you please send
>it to me?(or john,if youre watching,drop me a line).
>   John L. Dunk                                     o  
>   Tallahassee,Fl.                                    o
>   screwloose@ne*.co*                    ______o_________      

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