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Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 22:46:05 -0400
To: "Peter N.R. Heseltine" <heseltin@hs*.us*.ed*>
From: screwloose@ne*.co* (Dunk, John)
Subject: Re: New AIDS test - Diver Alert?
>My reasons for posting this on techdiver at all are:

  A+ for community-minded service,D- for posting on topic.There are plenty
of science/health/AIDS newsgroups where this would be appropriate &
beneficial,but IMO this isnt one of 'em.
You might as well post an article about jet airplanes by the same logic;they
are involved in risk evaluation,& sometimes "dive".Now,if you have some info
about AIDS as it relates to risks WHILE DIVING,you'll get no complaints from
me.Personally,it wouldnt hold any special interest for me,but at least it
would then be appropriate to the purpose of this list.Sorry,but I think
you're off base here. 
   John L. Dunk                                     o  
   Tallahassee,Fl.                                    o
   screwloose@ne*.co*                    ______o_________      

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