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Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1996 18:07:16 -0800
From: Trey Irvine <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: George Advice!
To: <mkravit@ga*.ne*>, "Irving, Steve" <sirving@ne*.co*>
  Mike, you are confusing me with Steve. It is interesting that we both said 
exactly the same thing. I have an "e" on the end of my name, he has a "g". 
Everyone thinks we are brothers - no, just friends. The other day, a prominent 
meber of the NACD said, "your brother called me a stroke", and I said, "what
he doing here, he doesn't even dive". He did not belive me, and is still pissed 
at me, rather than Steve. He should be , I laughed my ass off. - G

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