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Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1996 11:47:52 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: George Irvine <georgeirvine@ic*.co*>
Cc: Dennis Pierce <epic@so*.ha*.ed*>, Peter Den Haan <denhaan@ra*.or*>,
     rfarb , richard.soderberg@mi*.ki*.se*,
Subject: Re: SCCR versus CCR
>    Why is it that the world record cave penetration is held by a semiclosed 
> rebreather , and none of you is stupid enough to take a fully closed on a
> cave dive. Why is that?

Chief, Why is it that all the world-record cave penetrations were held by
guys using double hose regulators with no redundancy for some time after
single-hose regulators were intorduced, and none of you is stupid enough
to take one of the production-model semiclosed rebreathers on a real dive 
(not in some hole in the ground)?  Why is that? 

> Until you do, they don't work, except in the applicaton 
> they were originally designed for, and then only the ones that the miltitary 
> uses, or the civilian versions thereof. The rest are absolute trash. - G

Until somebody discovers more new species of fish using a Hogarthian rig
than I have discovered using independents and fully-closed rebreathers, 
then the Hogarthian system don't work, except in the application it was 
originally designed for, and then only when working with a team that 
relies on buddies for bailout and tows scooters. (I trust you're clever 
enough to recognize this as sarchasm.)

Oh, and one more thing, until you gain some first-had experience big
fella, you won't realize the true extent of buffoonery you pontificate.


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