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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1996 11:30:54 -0800
Subject: Re: SCCR versus CCR
To: Dennis Pierce <epic@so*.ha*.ed*>,
     Richard Pyle
Cc: Peter Den Haan <denhaan@ra*.or*>, rfarb <rfarb@na*.ne*>,
   Why is it that the world record cave penetration is held by a semiclosed 
rebreather , and none of you is stupid enough to take a fully closed on a real 
cave dive. Why is that? Until you do, they don't work, except in the applicaton 
they were originally designed for, and then only the ones that the miltitary 
uses, or the civilian versions thereof. The rest are absolute trash. - G

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