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Date: Wed, 28 Feb 1996 04:33:18 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Anybody got one yet?
To: Nick Simicich <njs@sc*.ma*.co*>,
     Rick Sankey
Cc: hmartin@ma*.co*, IANTD <iantdhq@ix*.ne*.co*>, cavers@ge*.co*,
  Nick, you contibute nothing to any of these lists except personal attacks. I 
see you have mustered the courage for another. You do no diving that would be 
the subject of a discussion on this list, and you know nothing but lisping 
pettiness and PGP. You merely want to provoke me into coming after you for
the whinning little wimp that you are, so here it is: 

  When you do what we do, or even think about it, you will per force obtain the 
knowledge necessary to do it properly, as in the health knowledge to which you 
refer. You have absolutely no understanding of what we do, and no appreciation 
for the fact that we share everything we have learned with the community. I am 
still waiting for the arguments against our methods, and I don't want to hear 
about your "anything goes" philosophy.  

  Once again, argue the facts with me. I am not interested in your gay-bar 
logic. Obviously , you and the rest of the drug-dependent, personal-preference 
pansies don't like to hear the truth. Why don't you tell Victor Maquera or one 
of the other phsicians that they have a bad attitude for saying the same thing

   I see you inculded Tom Mount in your little foot-stomping tirade. I guess
warnings about the health risks are a bad attitude as well. I also see you have 
included another fine example of physical and mental health, the self-admitted 
pot-smoker himself, whose penchant for pathetic slobbery is matched only by
own activism.

 Nick, while you may well be an expert on being "bitten in the ass" ,as you so 
fondly say, and other subject related thereto,may I suggest that you look at
track record, and quit speculating from your seat on the sidelines about the 
people who are out there actually doing this.

  Have you ever posted anything on here that related to diving or contained any 
facts? Well, have you , Nicky? Why don't you keep asking JR to kick me off, and 
try Carl Heinzl as well. Oops, his response my seem like an invitation to you. 
On second thought, don't ask Carl.

 = G

On Tue, 27 Feb 1996, Nick Simicich <njs@sc*.ma*.co*> wrote:
>On Tue, 20 Feb 1996, Rick Sankey wrote:
>> I would be interested to know what diving related problems you think our 
>> attitudes have caused.  I'm not interested in hearing anything about 
>> people who condone or advocate the use of "recreational drugs", or anyone 
>> else who can't take the heat of our approach and has hurt feelings.  
>> - Rick Sankey
>Hmmm.....if George can speculate about unproven risks associated with 
>various health problems, the rest of us can speculate about attitude 
>You folks all *know* you are doing it perfectly, there is nothing else to 
>be discovered about diving, unless, of course, it does not contradict 
>what you already *know*.
>IMHO, that is a bad attitude, and it will bite you in the ass someday.
>An approach that breeds that attitude is flawed, no matter how well it is 
>executed technically.
>> George Irvine wrote:
>> > > I am still , after seven years, waiting to here the fist >"con" of our 
>> > >"approach". Anybody got one yet? - G
>> On Tue, 20 Feb 1996 hmartin@ma*.co* wrote:
>> > Attitude. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> --
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>Nick Simicich - njs@sc*.em*.ne* - (last choice) njs@bc*.vn*.ib*.co*
> -- Stop by and Light Up The World!

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