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Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 17:48:13 -0500 (EST)
From: "Eric Zimmerman (BIO)" <ezimmerm@ch*.ca*.us*.ed*>
To: Dan Volker <dlv@ga*.ne*>
Subject: Re: Gas Consumption
	O.K.- cycling is a great,low impact,endurance builder.
	But the circular path doesn't help me if I use the frog kick
	exclusively. I just meant that runners, swimmers,and cyclers all
	have to deal with their body weight as a major factor in their
	sport, and when you see the runners on the side of the road
	you can count the veins. This slender shape and endurance is
	definetly a plus. 

	My point is that-I am big and no matter how little body fat I have
	my shoulders and chest won't get any smaller- so I have a larger
	profile swimming head on into the flow of a cave. That makes me 
	have to work a little harder to swim. Taking all this into account,
	I still notice a rise in cons. when diving in a new place or with
	new gear or new people. That rise and fall varies more than any change 
	due to fitness (fitness beyond my current state, I'm not saying 
	fat slobs wouldn't gain some ground).
	So getting up off your ass makes a big difference-but so does the 
	experience and mental preparedness.

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