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Date: Fri, 16 Feb 96 10:26:04 -0500
From: Carl Heinzl <cgh@ma*.ai*.mi*.ed*>
To: dpearson@bn*.ca*
Subject: re:Rigid Foam Flotation
All this talk about rigid foam/etc is interesting but...

What happens if you're relying on this for floatation and you hit it
against a sharp rock or object on a wreck??? Once the outer shell is
penetrated and water can enter you're hosed.

This is good mental masturbation but, in the real world, will have
little practical value.

After all, motorcycle fairings don't have to hold potentially 150psi
(and that's *static*) pressure OUTSIDE an empty core...  Remember too,
statis pressure is a LOT different than dynamic pressure (anyone who
has had a "50 meter watch" flood on them knows about this!!!).


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