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Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 00:51:00 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: rfarb <rfarb@na*.ne*>
Cc: tjm@ea*.ne*,
Subject: Re: REBREATHERS #3
> There is no connection between the between the skills needed to fly 
> fighter aircraft and diving a rebreather.

	-Rod Farb, Techdiver, 11 Feb 1996

"Learning to dive a closed circuit rebreather is more like learning to 
fly an airplane than to open circuit diving lessons."

	-Rod Farb, AquaCorps: WRECKERS, p. 70, January 1995.

Well...where do you stand? Is it like flying an airplane or not? ;-)

	What's the longest period of time you've gone without diving the 
'breather?  When you got back in the water again, were you just as 
comfortable as you were on the last dive you made before the hiatus?


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