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Date: Mon, 5 Feb 1996 17:24:54 +0500
From: gmcgee1@fo*.co* ()
To: biped@ix*.ne*.co*
Subject: Re: Up Reels

I have also been taught to use a line reel as a up line by a IANTD instructor.
We deploy the lift bag with the line streaming out (man it is fast).  When
it hits the surface (no more line coming off the reel) and if you are neutral
bouyant you can hold on to the reel and crank yourself up to your deco. 
stop.  I have seen diver who have, after the lift bag reached the surface
re-clip the reel to a chest D-Ring and crank themselve to the surface.
Please keep in mind that when you crank yourselve to the surface (with
the reel clipped to you or held in your hand) you are not cranking up 
"DEAD-WEIGHT".  You should be cranking up a very, very, very near neurual
bouyant diver with just enough weight on the line to keep it tight. 

I have also "heard" of divers swiming up the broken mooring line to the end, 
then (while holding on to the broken mooring line) deploy the lift bag from
there to the surface.

There are many ways to use a lift bag and up line.  I'm quite sure many other
divers can give you other ways to deploy a lift bag and up line. 

Being taught one way doesn't mean it is the only way something can be done.
You still should experiment to find a better ways.  Perhaps the new
technique you create will become the standard(s) for the next generation
of tech. divers.  Just remember to do it with safety as your number one

Gary McGee
Detroit,  MI  USA
Great Lakes Wrecker

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