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Date: Mon, 8 Jan 1996 18:53:01 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Long hose Methods ??
To: gmcgee1@fo*.co* ()
  Gary - no thanks - I don't dive with people who won't take
the primary out of their mouth. We have explained to you all
of the reasons, and you are still scared for all of the wrong
reasons. . Just read what I originally wrote, I will repost it
 - it is all there. I do not expect you to change anything,
but I do expect you not to convolute the argument with the 
unseen demons of diving. If you are afraid of something, but
still love to dive, do what makes you feel better, but expect
to get the perfomance of one who has resigned himself to 
conpromise (less than perfection). Try to do it perfectly,
and you will. - G

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