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Date: Sat, 6 Jan 1996 07:02:03 -0800
From: "George M. Irvine III" <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Subject: Re: Highs and lows
To: biped@ix*.ne*.co* (L. Allen Beard ),

      Allen, there are only a couple of us who use OMS tanks, and
that is a function of the fact that Griffeths was the first guy to get
the big tanks a few years ago. We mostly use the 104's. When using OMS,
you must add a v weight and or their steel backplate to compensate for
the bouyancy (+1 lb empty with manifold vs - 9 for the 104's).

      Genesis tanks are basicly useless - they are neutral when empty,
and they require 3500 psi to get the rated capacity. Low pressure tanks 
are easier on the regs - I would rather have 3300 in 104's than 4000
in genesis 120's, which is what it would take to even get close to equal.

       The manifold is a different subject - you are right about the o-ring
for the scuba pro/dive rite/sea elite Swedish-made manifolds. We have no
OMS manifolds, so I do not know what their design is. - G

On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, biped@ix*.ne*.co* (L. Allen Beard ) wrote:
>What are the advantages of LP (OMS) v. HP (ex:Genesis) tanks for 
>Why does WKPP use OMS tanks? 
>I have heard that because of OMS's o-ring design on the 
>manifold-to-valve-post connection that they are not as sound as a 
>barrell-type o-ring configuration (ex:diverite manifold) and thus could 
>more easily suffer a failure.  If this were true than I suppose that 
>WKPP would not be using them...but I just had to ask - Allen
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