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Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 20:24:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Bob Favorite <rwfavorite@uc*.ed*>
Subject: Re: I need an opinion or two. (fwd)
On Fri, 5 Jan 1996, w wittman wrote:
> the AT-pac had its problems..notably the tendency for the lead shot used in
> it to clump together and not dump safely...but if the bladder is fine you
> can always use it as a BC and wear a weight belt separately...
> i'm not much of a fan of integrated weight BC's in general for the same
> reason, but that's just me (and everyone i have any respect for <g>)

To get around the clumping problem I dive my AT-pac with 5 2# shot 
pouches and 14lbs on my belt.  This provides excellent balance and 
buoyancy characteristics while allowing me drop enough weight top be 
buoyant in an emergency.  It is also easier to rinse the shot pouches 
than remove all the shot/marbles from the pouch to rinse it.
BTW has anyone ever had to dump weight from their AT-pack? or drop their 
weight belt?  Did the pack function? and what was the situation?

                         Bob Favorite RVT          
UC Davis VMTH              UC Davis SCUBA          The Octopus' Garden
VMD 490 Instructor          safety diver               safety diver

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