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From: <GeorgeIrvine@in*.co*>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 13:43:43 -0800
Subject: More: on Antioxidants
To: cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*,

  To Crea, Comley , et al: I think Mount WAS referring to the old
experiments where "deficiencies" of vitamin E were a suspect in
the mechanism of seizure. Try checking the references that Chapman
pointed out, which you two "big timers" should be aware of by now.

  Rather than asking Mount to produce data, why don't you two produce
something besides armchair criticism. I know neither of you actually 
does dives where anything but nicotine withdrawals would be a problem
(at least I hope you don't).

  When you two strokes , and the organization you represent, stop 
setting the worst possible example, you can talk. In the meantime,
keep you bullshit on Compuserve where the weenies will believe you,
and the rest of the pontificating blowhards and do-nothings are hiding.

   When divers move to these lists, it is because they have graduated
from ignorance, not to hear more of it.  - George Irvine

    George Irvine

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