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From: <G.IRVINE@in*.co*>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 16:20:28 -0800
Subject: Re: AntiOxidants
To: Peter Den Haan <denhaan@ra*.or*>

On Fri, 8 Dec 1995, Peter Den Haan <denhaan@ra*.or*> wrote:
>Is there any scientific data available re the use of antioxidants for 
>reducing the risk of oxygen toxicity and what are the details.
>Thanks, Pete

   Yes, there is some data regarding vitamin E that I know about,
but it has been so long that I don't remember where I saw it. There
are other inidviduals on here who are better armed to answer this 
than I am. 

    If you assume that the free radicals are in fact depleting the
brain chemistry to the point of seizure, then it would follow that
something which delt with the free radicals (antioxidants) would 
be benfecial. It would also follow that any fuel for these free
radicals or the oxygen itself (glucose) would also be of benefit.

     I use both extensively, but I would warn that other conditions,
like chronic hypoglycemia would be exacerbated by glucose if it were
not taken on the correct cycle. I have done this for so long that I am
afraid not to do it now.
     What I did was take a test where I drank Coca Cola syrup and
then had my blood glucose level checked every few minutes to see 
when it peaked, and at what point it would fall below the original
level prior to the coke syrup. Knowing this time, I know how often
to take the glucose. 

      I also tried boning up in the antioxidants and trying to induce 
a seizure in the chamber at 4.0 ATA - I could not after more than one
hour, on several attempts, but the chamber is not the same effect as
being underwater, that is well known - see Hamilton for that info,
so I can really not say anything other than I must not be overly sensitive,
at least on those days, and I stil do not exceed 1.6 at deco and break to
air every twenty minutes.

     Ask Doolette or someone else who knows, like Esat Attikan, or
other medicl types. I asked David Elliot, and he just said his 
information was inconclusive, but that he thought it might not
hurt. I like every possible thing in my favor, so I do it all. - G

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