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Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 00:30:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Richard Todd <afn33646@af*.or*>
To: Joel Markwell {ATL} <73700.2054@co*.co*>
Subject: Re: Lines in Yucatan
On 5 Dec 1995, Joel Markwell {ATL} wrote:

> And _I_ don't want to be rude, but what's this "you have absolutely no
> idea what you are talking about" crap that comes out of your mouth every 
> other post? Which part do I have "no idea" _about_, George, the part that you 
> agreed with me on or the part where I suggest that divers have a 
> responsibility to be _aware_ of where they are and to BE responsible for 
> themselves, regardless of the system and lines? Is there something wrong with 
> this logic?

Wow, your pretty tuff for a guy named Joel.  But didn't you just explain 
to me how it does matter if the lines are T'd or not.  You wrote: 
>In cave systems where there are large numbers of tourist divers, Ts make a
>system deceptively easy to navigate. It's easy to pass over the T for a
>recreational diver and not mark it and then on return the decision about
>which way is out is made more difficult. Making a sport caver stop and 
run a
>reel helps that diver reference where he/she is in the system and the sight
>of one's own reel is absolute confirmation of the exit line. Didn't they
>teach you this?  

Actually, "they" taught me that if you know what your doing, it doesn't 
matter.  "They" taught 
me to mark the line at all Ts.  "They" taught me to be sure of my exit.  
In this instance, your fighting a loosing battle.  It is you my friend 
that must learn to listen, and not lash out at the messengers.  But don't 
be discouraged.  Many novice cave divers think they know everything.  Be 
patient, and some day you will be able to remove your training wheels.

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