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From: "Brian Hunter" <hunter49689@co*.ne*>
To: "'Michael Barnette'" <aocfishman@ho*.co*>, <>
Subject: RE: JT, the artful dodger
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 14:59:24 -0400
Well JT, since I am new to diving deeper I would like to know what it
takes to break out of the "neophyte" status. I believe you even called
me this once. So please tell us.
 I think Mike has made some good points. I don't think that the F ups
one makes in the past should count against anyone as long as they learn
from them and don't continue doing it over and over expecting different
results. I think this is what some leaders in the DIR community define
as a stroke.
 Hopefully the "Truth" will prevail in the end.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Barnette [mailto:aocfishman@ho*.co*] 
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 1:22 PM
Subject: JT, the artful dodger

Well howdy to you JT -

Golly gee, I guess I got your number of dives wrong.  Pray tell, just
many dives below 150fsw have you done?  I don't want to get it wrong or
words in your mouth (I wouldn't know where to begin), so just answer
one nagging question with a number.  That should be pretty simple, even
a flunkie like you.

The heat is not on me.  You can try and say that I am the one suffering
and "twisting", but I think the entire list sees what is going on here.
am really enjoying this.  I have been straight-forward, truthful, and
about my diving history.  You on the other hand have been nebulous, 
obfuscatory, and deceptive.  Just give us a number and we will leave it
that.  As I stated, even if you double the number of dives from your
and the ones that showed up as trip reports on VBTECH and TECHDIVER, it
still well below 100.  I am sure we all understand that there are some
dives that are somehow unaccounted for due to you not yapping about
being as modest as you are and all.  The truth is your website is more 
accurate than you think or want to believe right now.

By the way, who was your trimix instructor, what agency were you
through, and what is your trimix card number?

JT, don't worry, we are not trying to emulate you or "keep up."  We all 
understand that this is not a competitive sport and there is no need to 
"keep up."  Obviously you don't.  I am perfectly content doing my
dives and documenting new, unexplored shipwrecks.

Is anyone keeping count of the number of times JT has tried to worm out
answering how many technical dives he has done?  I am sure it exceeds
number of his technical dives....

Your turn JT...I told you this would not go away.

Standing by,

Michael C. Barnette
Association of Underwater Explorers
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