Meeting Schedule: Third Tuesday of every month at 7:30PM
Membership Fee: $20.00. Recommended but optional membership in
CENCAL(15.00) and the AMRC(10.00)
General Information: We are a non-profit community dive club formed
over 25 years agowithapproximately80 members.
We publish a newsletter each month.Clubactivitiesinclude
two scheduled dive trips each month, includingovernightcamping
trips to the Northcoast in search of abalone,kayakdiving,photography
trips to Monterey and Big Sur, excursionson commercialdive
charters to the Channel Islands and CarmelBayand
week tripsto warm water destinations. Divers from
out ofstate or countryare especially welcome to
contact us. Only certifieddivers mayapply for
club membership.