Building: Semiramis Inter-Continental Hotel - Cairo. Egypt
Street: El-Tahrir Square.
City: Cairo
Country: Egypt
Meeting Schedule: Monthly: Every 1st Monday. Door's open 6:30p and
speaker startsat7:00p
Membership Fee: Annual: LE 50 a person ($15) - LE 90 a family
($27) open for all nationalities and affiliations.
General Information: Since 1979 Cairo Divers is a club with a membership
of a cosmopolitan nature. Special services for
members include discounts on diving operations
and hotels on the Red Sea, specially organized
diving safaris/liveaboards, discounted diving
insurance, Door Prizes (boat trips, etc), informative
speakers in meetings, fun cleanups in Red Sea,
social events in the exotic Cairo city and MORE.
Interested to know about the beautiful Red Sea
treasures or deserts in Egypt? you can direct
a personal email or fax as below.