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From: <STROKESLAM@ao*.co*>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 07:38:12 -0500
      I see that when the "Slammer" is away, the strokes will play.
Specificly, we are talking about the strokes-only practice of diving
air in the back-mounted doubles and a stage of trimix. While this
may seem like a good idea to a complete idiot, it would take very
little forthought to see where this is a dangerous proctice, not
even worth discussing here.
       The only moron still alive and known to be currently recommending this
idiotic practice I now hear also recommends
smoking cigarettes as well, and will defend this practice along
with "Strokemounting", as this convoluted nonsense is now known.
      For anyone getting into technical diving, the key is to think
the dive all the way through. Idiots can't and don't do that - give these
guys a wide berth. - SS

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