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Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:39:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: Roger Herring <afn03632@fr*.uf*.ed*>
To: Steve Irving <irving9@po*.ne*>
cc: diverite@lc*.gu*.co*,
Subject: Re: cavers list

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Steve Irving wrote:

> It sounds like Dive Rite is going to be blamed for the closing of the 
> Cavers List.  At this point it would seem that a response from them 
> should be forthcoming, and quickly at that.  If they are in fact 
> innocent, and Ken received no pressure from Dive Rite, or any in their 
> employment.  Then they are in need of some serious damage control.  The 

Let's drop this. Ken Sallot told me he will be making a second post 
regarding this matter. Stay tuned.

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