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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 05:29:12 -0700
Subject: cavers - death by a (gear) salesman
      Cavers is gone, apparently due to pressure from
Dive Rite manufacturing. It appears that the cave diving
community was turning away from their products. There
will be a new list, and it will not be subject to this
kind of censorship. I will reserve my comments in this
regard for the new list, and I promise to make the
first blast an all encompasing expose, and I will "pull
a few strings" of my own .

      Since Tom Mount and I have been friends for years
and dive together, I will also reserve the right to 
argue with him at every chance, as we have done for the 
last six years. Tom has become so used to arguing with me,
that when ever anyone says something on here, he answers
the argument to me. He probably even calls Patty "George"
when he gets mad. 

       Technical diving for all divers is a new concept,
and as such we will be developing our knowledge base as
we go along. If I say dive a such and such ppo2, and then
I find out better information, I will change. The training
agencies whould be willing to do the same. The equipment 
manufacturers should do the same.

        I can tell you this right now - WKPP is having
a lot of success going long distances deep very fast and
decompressing with excellent results. The reason is threefold:
equipment, training, and knowledge. We will be glad to share
everything we have learned or bought and paid for with 
everyone out there no matter what they are doing, no matter
who they are.

         Take advantage of this and realize that NOBODY pays
for our stuff but us, and we do not owe anybody anything, so
will give you an honest answer. Arnold Jackson builds a copy
of the lights we use, and he builds our video housings and
video scooters, but if anyone would like to see the money I
have paid Arnold to do this, I will be glad to show you. DUI
gave us four dry suits, but we had already tested suits at
Navy and decided to use DUI combat suits. We also use several
other kinds, if you would like to know what is what with that.
Oceanic and Beuchat give us breaks on stuff that we need, but
we buy huge volume to get it. The point is, we will give an
honest answer.

         I think our way is the best, but I am not stupid:
when I see better, I jump right on it. Don't let my personality
get in the way of giving you the benefit of what I have learned.
If you want information from me, you'll get it.

            - George Irvine
              Project Director
              The Woodville Karst Plain Project


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