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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 06:44:39 -0700
Subject: Re: C-4 and Argon

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From: bottmgun@em*.ne*
To: "Cave Divers List" <cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*>
Subject: Re: C-4 and Argon
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 09:02:00 -0400
Reply-to: cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*

We did some experimentation and found the increase in effectiveness varied
from 25 to 50% increase in thermal effectiveness in insulation.  These
numbers are subjective due to the fact that there was a lack of funds to
support a full blown experiment (if I remember correctly, U.S. Navy studies
support these numbers, the SEALS use argon on extended underwater missions).

As I eluded to in my previous post, how well you purge your suit at he
beginning of the dive will determine the increase in thermal effectiveness.
Another issue that effects the insulation quality is how much you have
sweat, more moisture = greater theraml conductivity.  During a typical sport
dry suit dive, the diver will sweat upto a 1/4 liter and this will condense
out in the suit potentially causing cold spots.  I would expect this measure
to be greater during a hardcore cave dive.

>     Jay Jeffries - how much does argon increase the effectiveness
>of thinsulate?  -George
I Capt. Jay K. Jeffries         CAP Call Sign: Sparrow 930          o O   I
I Deputy Commander/Operations   Amateur Call Sign: KF4DBI        ____o    I
I Group 9, Florida Wing         <bottmgun@em*.ne*>              (_/\_)    I
I Civil Air Patrol              <a028171t@bc*.se*.li*.fl*.us*>     I
I                        I
I        |                                                                I
I   ____(*)____        AIR - SEA - LAND     SEARCH AND RESCUE             I

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