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Date: Tue, 3 Oct 95 09:51:57 -0400
From: Carl Heinzl <cgh@ma*.ai*.mi*.ed*>
To: rfarb@em*.un*.ed*
Cc: cherf@ci*.co*, gmiiii@in*.co*, HeyyDude@ao*.co*,
Subject: Aspirin for Stupidity
I always thought it was two aspirins, a shot of tequila to help the
narcosis a little, and a beer to add some fizz...

Then upon surfacing do the above in reverse, call the professionals
(paramedics that is) and tell'em to bring a straight jacket :^)

What else did I forget - oh the cigarette before and after too - keeps
your tissues from getting too much O2 - guards against O2 tox :^)


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