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Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 22:57:00 +0000
From: STRATTON!SABRE1!MRW@st*.at*.co* (Mark Welzel)
Subject: RE: Error: Unknown Poster to Mailing-Lis

 Bob Raimo has brought up a point of bailout bottles. It's always
 been my understanding that the 50/50 I was carrying was only for
 deco and I carried enough bottom mix to do my deco if I lost my
 deco bottle. I took ANDI's course so I could get deco fills.
 I will say that it was always stressed that I shouldn't use any gas
 deeper than it's MOD, it's been a few years since then so maybe
 things have changed.

 Getting to this bailout issue, aren't you supposed to have enough
 bottom gas in case of emergency? And if you carry a pony (be it a
 40 cu.ft. or a slung 80 cu.ft) shouldn't it have gas you can breathe
 at any depth you might reach? I consider much of this common sense
 but if you ask anyone that knows me, they'll tell you I'm screwy, so
 maybe I'm wrong.

 Mark Welzel

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