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Date: Sat, 16 Sep 95 01:04:34 EDT
From: jolieb@gr*.ci*.up*.ed* (Jolie Bookspan)
Subject: registration extended

Good News:
Mail-in registration has been E X T E N D E D until September 30th:


                          (in plain English)
                        Saturday 7 October 1995   
                           8:30 am - 5:30 pm
 The symposium features top experts. Proceeds benefit the Undersea 
 Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS).
 Held at the BTS/Dive Philadelphia Scuba Expo, 6-8 Oct 1995. 
 Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia, PA. 

 Grand Prize is a one week trip aboard the M/C Turks & Caicos Aggressor. 

            Welcome multimedia show by Gordon Yerry 8:30-8:50
             Snacks sponsored by Elite Health Products and 
           the Lawrence Factor Company, air purification specialists

                        REGISTRATION 8:30-8:50am

Welcome by the Program Chair Dr. Tom Millington              8:50-9:00

Fred Bove, M.D., Ph.D.  Avoiding the bends:                  9:00-9:45
                        safe use of tables and computers  

Lawrence Martin, M.D.   Pulmonary controversies             9:45-10:30
                        Including smoking and diving and
                        can asthmatics dive?

                              BREAK 10:30- 10:45

Marla Tomseth,          How to lift your gear without      10:45-11:30
P.T., M.B.A             killing your back and neck    
Owen O'Neill, M.D.      The diving physical: what and why  11:30-12:00
                        for divers and physicians.    
                               LUNCH  12-1

Maurice Cross, M.D.     Been there, done that: diving        1:00-1:45 
                        research explained

Richard Vann, Ph.D.     Decompression and bubble physiology:
                        theory from then to now	             1:45-2:30

                              BREAK 2:30-2:45

Ed Thalmann, M.D.       Decompression sickness treatment:    2:45-3:30
                        history and procedures

Richard Clompus, O.D.   Vision and vision correction 
                       - New Options                         3:30-4:15

Thomas Millington, M.D. Epidemic of decompression illness:   4:15-4:45	
                        the lobster divers of the Miskito Coast

                             Joint PANEL    4:45-5:30

 - Course Director Dr. Jolie Bookspan 
              Medicine & Physiology of Diving
                   Benefit for the UHMS

  Name _________________________________________________________
  Address ______________________________________________________
  City __________________________ State _________ Zip __________
  Phone (day) _______________________   (evening) ______________
  Fax _______________________   e-mail _________________________

  ________       $79 before 15 Sept 1995, $89 after 15 September 
  ________       $69 for UHMS members and full time students (attach ID)
                 $89 at the door - no mail-in`s after 30 September, thanks 
 Awards 7.0 AMA Category 1 CME credits. 
 EMT continuing education credits applied for.
 Awards .75 NAUI PDUs.

 Please make checks payable to Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
 (UHMS), and mail to: Dr. Jolie Bookspan 106 S. 10th Street.
 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Attn: UHMS Symposium. (Do *not* make checks
 payable to me).

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