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Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 16:45:57 -1000 (HST)
From: Richard Pyle <deepreef@bi*.bi*.Ha*.Or*>
To: TechDiver <>
Subject: Re: Mama take his keyboard away!
> Gee Georgie... why don't you learn to spell?

Cheap shot. [2.1] No, make that [1.8].

> When I find my magnifying glass and tweezers ... I'd be glad to give you a
> hand with that "little thing" you call your DIVE BUDDY!  

Good comeback! Had me laughing out loud... [9.8]

George gets a 10.0 for his first "lick my ball bag" comment (my favorite
so far), and 7.5 for his repeat of it (most people would get <2.0 for a
second usage of a clever comment, but I like this one so much I'm giving
him extra credit). Sankey started off scoring very high, but repeated
'transformer' references started to get old (I give additional credit for
continually refreshing originality). 

Participants of the big fist-fight brawl war thing a few weeks ago get no
credit (sexual references are encouraged, but violence will not be

Your newly- and self-appointed list flame-humor-level judge.

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