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Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 10:17:36 EDT
From: UXMA73A@pr*.co* ( GEORGE M IRVINE III)
Subject: Re: IANTD Teaching
    Gary, I didn't realize you posted this nonsense to 
the list when I replied privately. If you had ANY idea of
what you are talking about, that would be one thing, but
to continue with the line that your opinion (however misinformed)
is valid, but mine is not, is bullshit. 
    Why don't you tell us the merrits of deep diving on air,
diving nitrox at trimix depths, and while you are at it, why don't
you tell me how I should run my team?  You just don't get it -
I don't care what you do, I care what kind of nonsense is
being taught because the crap you guys are turning out 
will impact us all.
        Let's hear it - I know you must have a good reason
for what you do. - G

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From:	 Private_User@fo*.
Subject:	 Re: IANTD Teaching
Date:	 09/13
Time:	 09:47 AM

Date:     Wed, 13 Sep 1995 09:41:11 -0400
From:     Private_User@fo*.co*  [Private_User@fo*.co*]
Subject:  Re: IANTD Teaching


You may remember back some time ago during the thread on "Deep Fool" 
I posted
in a reply that diving has its "RISK" and all of us must except that 
risk.  We
all stand a chance of dying while diving it doesn't matter wether we 
diving in 10', 40', 113' 129.5' or 200'... of water.  We have learned 

except that risk.

I personally am not out to save the world of divers.  I believe most 
divers are smart enought to make there own decisions.  All we need to 
in this list is post information.  The diver will make his own choice.
he likes what he reads he will add the technique to his diving style. 
 If he
doesn't, he will scrap the idea.  This is what diver choice is about. 
because you learn to dive via a dive agency (TDI, IANDT, NAUI, PADI ..
.) it
doesn't mean you stop thinking for yourself and can't modify what you 
thought by that agency.  If a diver doesn't like to dive deep air.  
He doesn't
have to.  If a diver like to dive deep air, he can.  This is 
regardless as
to what a the agencies teach.   This is the same for PPO2 of 1.6 vs 1.
most of us technical divers know how to calculate thier PPO2.  If we 
want to 
dive with a PPO2 of 1.1 we are free to do so regardless of what our 
training agency says. 

I just don't believe in the mindless diver, or everyone on the dive 
team has
to be a clone.   I think the safe divers are the thinking divers.  
they under-
stand the dive kit they are wearing and the risk they are taking.

I don't believe every technical diver has to dive the way "I dive" to 
be a
good technical diver.

I'm on this list to learn and I have learned that many divers in the
technical diving community have a serious ego problem.

Let's get back to what this list was put together for.  Thatis to 
information objectivly.

So, Lets "DIVE SAFELY" whatever our diving style is.

Gary McGee  (gmcgee1@tc*.pt*.fo*.co*)
Detroit, MI   USA
Great Lakes Wrecker.
23 years of diving and still learning.
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