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Date: Thu, 7 Sep 1995 21:54:07 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christopher A. Brown" <chbrown@fr*.sc*.fs*.ed*>
Subject: REAL tuff cave divers
To: cavers@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*
Couple of things people have asked about: yup, I can do the credit card 
thing now.

And yes, the German cave diving video (Aache River Underground, by Harald 
Schetter) is available now in NTSC and PAL. 6 Foot viz on a good day, 
scrotum-tightening cold, high flow -- here's some REAL tough cave divers.

 Christopher A. Brown
The Technical Diving Video Library 
by Sci-Graphica PR/DOCENT FILMS
Tallahassee FL 32311
P 904-942-7222, F 904-942-1240
It's not the pace of life that concerns me -- 
it's the sudden stop at the end.

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