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Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 17:16:03
From: "DYER, BILL" <BILL.DYER@mi*.co*.uk*>
To:, scuba-uk@me*.co*
Subject: Worthington Compressors

Hi all,

I've just got my hands on a Worthington compressor.  Its rated at about 20 cfm
and runs off a 15 hp 3 phase electric motor.
It was made in Holyoak, Mass. USA about 15 years ago but there is no model
number on it.

Does anyone know of or use these compressors, and where I might look for
spare parts.  I don't suppose the company is still in business.


Bill Dyer
Nuneaton SAC  (SAA #220)
Warwickshire, UK

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