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Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 13:02:47 +0930
From: shelps@ac*.ma*.ad*.ed*.au* (Prime Rat)
Subject: On the demise of Sheck Exley
Because I have to ask, I am clearly a newbie and deserve to be flamed, but 
here goes anyway.

We are engaged in a heated discussion of the exact circumstances of the 
death of Sheck Exley which includes speculation as to the cause of death.

Has anyone got a copy of the incident (or coroner's) report which they can 
post (if it exists).

Specific questions include;
        Did he die at "the bottom"?

        How deep was the "bottom"?
        Was he tangled in his line or clipped to it?

        Was he carrying any breathing gas (ie; he didn't just run out)?

        What breathing gas was he using at the depth of death?

        What did the coroner state as the cause of death?

Sorry if this bores the pants of anyone, just put me in your kill-file if 
you can't stand it.

Have a nice day.


shelps@ac*.ma*.ad*.ed*.au*|Stephen Helps MSc,PhD          Ack! ___/|
FAX   (08)232-3283             |Anaesthesia & Intensive Care        \O.o|
Voice (08)224-5495             |University of Adelaide             =(___)=
                               |ADELAIDE, 5005, South Australia       U
Blast medicine anyway! We've learned to tie into every organ in the human 
body but one. The brain! The brain is what life is all about.
	McCoy, "The Menagerie," stardate 3012.4.

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