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To: Tech
To: Divers <techdiver>
Subject: Pacific Northwest Techies
From: Michael Parker <parker@ca*.wa*.ed*>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1993 14:36:31 -0800 (PST)
Even though the Pacific Northwest has some of the best cold water diving
to offer, technical diving is now just becoming something other than that
"mystified" word belched out by dive professionals.

To my knowledge, I do not know of anybody who is certified to teach TriMix
or Heliox, in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon) and it has only been
recently that NITROX is starting to be taught (Northern Washington State).

But, fortunately I dive and train with a NAUI instructor who has started
to introduce NITROX to the Seattle area and has scheduled a TriMix course
this March.  Already, there has been an outstanding reply from people from
Canada to California!  He is flying a certified TriMix instructor (I don't
recall who, but I'll find out and let you know) from Florida for a weekend
to do the teaching!  Even though the course will be horribly expensive
($1000), it is considerable cheaper than having to fly to Florida for some
Mix training.

As for myself?  I am just a NAUI Advanced diver who is finishing up his
Divemaster training and happens to have Deep certification as well as IAND
NITROX certification.  Nothing too special and I am still debating whether
to take the TriMix course or not - it does require that I take Technical
NITROX as well.

Sorry to blab on, but this is especially for Northwest technical divers
and the rest of you techies out there:  if you are ever in the vicinity of
Seattle, or are interested in this upcoming TriMix course, or just want to
do some tech diving with our little gang of tech divers, please contact;

Subsea Specialties
Capt. Steve Pearson (NAUI Instructor)
P.O. BOX 41
Edmonds, WA.   98020
(206) 542-0375

Or just send me a line!

Looking forward to seeing more tech divers in the Northwest!

Happy Diving,

Michael Parker


Michael W. Parker                       
ACC Lead Lab Assistant
Academic Computing Center, HG-45
University of Washington
Internet:  parker@u.wa*.ed* 
Phone:  543-0629


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