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From: "Capt JT" <captainclusterphuk@ho*.co*>
To:, Richard_Kongable@bm*.co*
Subject: Re: JT's rantings
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 18:26:05 -0500
dong-able (that is to funny)-
why you keep botherin me??  you don't be getin it?
let me spel it out for yourself:
i am the only one doin the really deep stuff - even G sed so.  butt you 
neonfites dont' be givin me no props.  i is the drivin force of deep rek 
dives on the east coast.  most likely the hole US.  probably the world and 
planet eerth, but i dont is knowing if they have made computers in the UK 
and other second world countries yet.  at leest i dont not think they have 
the enternet over their yet.
i ai'nt not be hearing anyone else brag about there dives so it must be the 
truth.  i dont sea why yous all dont give me no respects.  i am so is a 
leeder, that i expect nike, mounten doo, halcyon, and guiness to be 
sponsorin my dives soon as i am so cool.  "cant' touch this!".  oh, i no i 
dont be drinkin, but i can handles myself and alcoholic bevarages.  i just 
choose not too drink.  just like I can handle deep air (i can handle 
anything deep, as i am that good).  i can also handle the oxygen as i have 
built up a tallerance to it, as all real divers doo.
i have been gone to 490' and i have some big deep dives this year.  you will 
seeing how it is dun.  also, you will be seeing the knew vbtek scooter, as 
the gavin is crap.  this new scooter will have a knew shroud as the gavin 
only comes with the cheep plastic one.  i developped this new shrowd to keep 
out all that fishing line that gets caughting up in the cheap platsic one 
that G gives to the neonfites.  this new scooter is bestest for divers that 
may not have good boyantcy sckills and cant' not be keaping off the bottom.
hoppeful lee the Beast will leaf me alone on thease dives.
now dont' be making be smash your dik as you are no one.  have you seen the 
sand at 490'??  i didnt not think so.  'nuff sed.  you are expossed for who 
you is know.

oh, have a nice dey.

"Youse be can't be learning to be elitterit on the net, sooner or later you 
got's to be getting a ghostwriter."
Your Guide to Great English Talking Skilz & More
Web Site
Email   captainclusterphuk@ho*.co*

>I really don't think you speak for the majority of those on the list, and
I'm secure enough to know my accomplishments, training, experience in the
past as well as the accomplishments, training and experience I'm seeking to
gain.  You're the only one accusing everyone else of being a neophyte, so
please quit speaking as though you represent the rest of us.
I don't feel the need to prove myself to anyone; you're the one with the
massive insecurity complex and egomania.  Get some help, dude!  And please
quit wasting OUR time unless you have something constructive to say.
Bragging about diving with folks that die isn't really a positive thing, do
you think?  What happened to the team concept?

>I wish I could get this email rule thing to work; then at least I won't be
bothered anymore by your dong-waving.

>Hoping not to hear back from you as you promised,

"Youse be can't be learning to be elitterit on the net, sooner or later you 
got's to be getting a ghostwriter."
Your Guide to Great English Talking Skilz & More
Web Site
Email   captainclusterphuk@ho*.co*

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