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Date: Wed, 01 Jan 2003 15:00:01 -0800
From: Jack Farmer <jack@ma*.th*.co*>
Organization: Crusader Services
To: Don Burke <donburke56@ne*.ne*>
CC:, VBTech list <VBTech@ci*.co*>,
     uwexploration@to*.co*, Atlantic Diver ,
     DC Scuba , Northeastdir@ya*.co*,,
Subject: Re: Where do I sign up for this class? :)

Don Burke wrote:

>Introducing NetZero Long Distance
>1st month Free!
>Sign up today at:
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I heard PADI is starting to do Fire Diving classes in SOME selected areas.
Here in LA it's frowned on so ya gotta go under the table so to speak.
NO-ONE will openly admit to doing it OR running classes BUT if ya do 
Tech classes someone will approach ya and ask ya about it.
It's kinda like they gotta get to know ya first and THAT takes doing a 
LOT of PADI courses.

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