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From: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
To: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>, <>
Cc: <vbtech@ci*.co*>, <>
Subject: RE: Lake Jocassee Project
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 06:33:57 -0500
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Once again, everyone can see you are a mindless idiot with a petty agenda.
Once again, nothing here but your resentful bullshit. You feel it is
necessary to attack Jarrod, one ( if not THE) best in the business and a
well known, well liked guy who has done more for diving that a petty little
piece of shit like you can imagine. You do not know anything about diving,
you run complete clusterfucks, and you think everyone else must be the same.
They are not - you are the problem in everything you do, and I have seen it
first hand and can attest to it , just like anyone else who really knows
this game and has come into contact with you. JT, you are so stupid it is
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:07 PM
  Cc: vbtech@ci*.co*;
  Subject: RE: Lake Jocassee Project

  At 07:45 PM 11/12/02 -0500, George Irvine wrote:

    For anyone who wants to understand the kind of incidents like what
happened to a support diver on the Britannic trip

  I doubt you will tell it exactly like I was told by the guys who were
there, but you do confirm with that statement something happened. Once again
everyone can see I tell the truth.

    Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:53 AM
    To: joe@po*.co*;
    Cc: vbtech@ci*.co*;
    Subject: Re: Lake Jocassee Project

         You don't have a clue, the truth is, I tell the truth. I have
exposed George many times, you and your group with the accident you guys
tried to hide, the Bent diver on the Britannic was common knowledge among
the real divers. Someone tried to tell it on the list soon after the trip
and George pounded them. I got it straight from 2 of the horses mouth that
were there and they told me in front of others in our group, so they know
it's true. If you guys told the truth about your dives, we wouldn't even be
posting to each other.

        The fact is this list is compiled of mostly novice divers and should
be allowed to know that even the best have things happen on dives. So they
can make a sound decision whether doing these kinds of dives are worth the
risk for them. Only a select few that do real dives post, others like Dean
and Joel should not even be diving, much less posting about it on a tech
list. I exposed these guys long ago and they like you are trying to find a
way to get back at me. LOL

        Try the best you can to get at me with the bullshit, but I get at
you guys with the truth. My guys are telling me that someone put the
question out on quest about the bent diver and Peter asked for it to be
answered on here. THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING........
        You're a small man with a small mind. Please tell George to keep his
zipper up, you're getting out way to much.


        At 05:56 AM 11/11/02 -0500, joe@po*.co* wrote:

          I asked you why you were making fun of the people who used good
judgement and did not participate in your Lake Jocassee cluster fuck.

          Instead of defending your position, you proceeded to yap about
anything and everything, rather than answering a simple question of why you
belittled those who choose not to participate in your stupidity.

          Fact:  You are an illiterate moron with no scruples or ethics.

          Fact:  When caught in stupidity, you will do anything possible to
divert attention from it, especially trying to confuse the issue by making
disparaging remarks about those whose accomplisments you could never
approach.  What ever transpired on the Britannic Expedition has nothing to
do with your continually setting a horrific example of how not to conduct
oneself in the dive community.  Your likening yourself to the Britannic team
is beyond funny and comparing an alleged 490 foot, 2 man sand dive to a
legitimate expedition is ludicrous.

          I would also like to know what does an incident in Brazil have to
do with your stupidity in Lake Jocassee?  I never cease to be amazed at your
inability to complete a thought.

          Another EXTREMELY disgusting thing about you is the way you gloat
over "another diver from the team would die diving solo in a cave".  Does
this make you happy?

          Your version of the truth is not under scrutiny.  No one really
cares to dispute it because it is not significant.  What is significant is
the content of your dive stories.  Specifically, your profound inability to
conduct a dive that does not become some form of a SNAFU, shall we say.  I
hesitate to use CF again because I do not like to be unnecessarily
redundant, but there are not many phrases that will adequately substitute
for it.  I trust you know what SNAFU means.  Just in case you do not, I will
succinctly and subtly explain it to you.  A SNAFU is how you politely
describe someone knocking his own mask off with a stage bottle out of
frustration because his buddy called the dive.  BTW, a SNAFU becomes a CF
when the one commiting the SNAFU happens to be the leader of the dive.  Now
I realize that a CF is the norm for anything you do, so perhaps if we call
it a SNAFU you will be better able to deal with it.

          For example, when you were horrificly bent on the Doria after
solo-setting the hook (since you think you were the only one who could do
it), you said you behaved badly so you did not dive the rest of the trip.
Everyone knows you were just telling the JT "truth", and you spent the rest
of the trip on your bunk sucking on O2 when you should have been flown out
by the Coast Guard.  This is similar to the NC trip where you tied your deco
bottles to the boat and got bent because you couldn't get back to them.
Actually, these are neither SNAFUs nor CFs.  These fall under the TARFU
category.  However, your attempt to embarrass and cajole a diver into diving
when they are saying they do not feel well (possible DCS) is beyond any of
this.  That is FUBAR.

          Now I realize that all of this is getting somewhat complex,
especially for a pea brain such as yourself, so I have created the
"BARKOMETER" scale of abominable behaviors.  It goes like this:

          SNAFU - A dive on which JT is a participant.  Invariably,
something incredibly stupid will happen.

          CF - A SNAFU on which JT is the leader or organizer.  Most likely,
a NDE (near death experience) will occur.

          TARFU - A CF which is the fruit of a long 4 minute thought process
by JT.  Typically involves highly avoidable multiple NDEs.

          FUBAR -   A TARFU which is the result of a malicious 3 minute
thought process by JT.  It is typically preceeded by several TARFUs, and is
done in an attempt to smokescreen the multiple TARFUs that initially created
the need for a FUBAR.

          In closing, JT, can I please have an order of McNuggets, fries, a
happy meal, a bottled water and extra napkins -- to go?  BTW - Make it
snappy and I'll send a letter to get you into McDonalds University.

          Best regards.


          "Your a lair, fries don't come with that."
                                          Capt. JT Barker
          ----- Original Message -----
          From: Capt JT
          To: girvine@be*.ne* ; vbtech@ci*.co*
          Cc: ;
          Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:55 PM
          Subject: RE: Lake Jocassee Project

          I will only answer you this once, after that you just try and turn
these things into a shouting match. Funny how I can write about a dive and
only the truth comes out in it. Just like I told the old short guy....make
what you want of it.

          Also you want everyone to watch a TV show that leaves out the
accident. Lets put the facts out there. That team was hand picked, the so
called "dream team of diving", yet with all the planning, ect. ect. a diver
still got bent like a pretzel, I did not hear or see it in the show or have
anyone post from the trip that it happened and later another diver from the
team would die diving solo in a cave. These are just the facts.

          It is really great that GUE forces their instructors to have good
basic skills and even requires them to do a few real dives a year . But to
have good enough skills to become a GUE instructor is not enough to handle
the extreme stress of a 500ft dive, this was found out in the accident that
was reported on techdiver (,from )of
the GUE instructor his name was on this post and buddy who either panicked
or had a RB problem at depth, bolted, and got seriously bent. I hear there
was no mention of this on quest, was there a cover up so not to rattle the
following? I give you permission to show my 490ft dive tape(since you have a
stolen copy) to all GUE instructors so they can see how a 2 man team does
that dive and no one gets hurt, they may have good enough skills to be the
best instructors, but at least one had trouble surviving a real dive.
          I hear you have been bashing Andrew over on quest pretty good, we
all know none of those GUE instructors will stand up to you. They depend on
doing diving instruction as a living and understand that when you shake that
money tree on these lists it will effect their income. I have met a lot of
these guys and they are just normal guys trying to make a buck.

          I do not make a dime off of diving and nothing you can do or say
will effect me. So standing up to you is just the right thing for me. When I
call someone a "weenie", I'm right on the mark........ The last diver I
called that on this list which was over a month ago has come and dived with
me, he had 75 logged dives and is no match for me or anyone in our group. He
was actually better than I thought he would be. Nice guy, he just will need
a lot of dives and work to get where he wants to be.

          So where does all this take us.........the fact remains and will
always remain as long as people place their heads underwater someone will
die, even the best will have a problem sometime, getting them to admit it or
that it has happen  is a hard thing to do . I have yet had to go to a
chamber, no one has died on any trip I am in charge of. To my knowledge few
have done more sub 300ft wreck dives than me. I only know a few divers who
are more tougher underwater than me in the conditions I dive in. And you
ain't one of them, I saw how that 53 degree water kicked your ass here on a
140ft dive. Stick to the clear warm water in them caves and you will remain
at the top and can beat your chest.

          I know you are going to blast a reply, I wouldn't expect anything
less, but don't expect a reply from me.

          BTW do you plan to have a recall on the wreck scooter so you can
install the right clutch at no cost that should have been installed in the
first place.

            At 06:17 AM 11/7/02 -0500, George Irvine wrote:

            Listen, "Capt JT" , this is really pathetic. For one, you have
so little skill and  knowledge that it is laughable when you discuss taking
days to deal with this self-created clusterfuck that would be nothing to a
skilled diver. You calling people weenies is laughable when I know for a
fact that you would not know where to start with  a real dive. Your
criticism of people who show proper judgment when faced with one of your
mindless dive plans is inexcusable stroke bullshit. I will remind you that
Jarrod and I both pulled the thumb on one of your ridiculous dive plans
after seeing your SWBS in action. Want to call the two of us "weenies", Big

            The fact is that you and you alone are the problem on all your
dives - not only for yourself but for everyone around you. I can not believe
these guys still subject themselves to this.

            By the way, as long as you are sending your reports to the rest
of the gang "to make changes if it is true or I am mistaken before I post
it", perhaps  you could persuade one of them to edit out the illiteracy so
that the comedy of your stupidity does not divert attention from the
seriousness of the stroke example that you set. The problem is that people
are laughing at you on here, and you are not the least bit funny.
            -----Original Message-----
            From: joe@po*.co* [mailto:joe@po*.co*]
            Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:22 PM
            To: vbtech@ci*.co*; Capt JT
            Subject: Re: Lake Jocassee Project
            I do not doubt the veracity of the report.  You couldn't have
made that up.  I am talking about your ridicule of those whose survival
instincts prompted them to back out.  I find that offensive because it is a
good way to push people into getting themselves killed for fear of being
            ----- Original Message -----
            From: Capt JT
            To: Joe ; vbtech@ci*.co*
            Cc: ;
            Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:46 PM
            Subject: Re: Lake Jocassee Project
            Make what you want of it, everyone who was there and those who
were to go but didn't know the answers. Not one of them will post anything
different than what I say. Every report on dives I make is sent to those on
the trip and they have the option to make changes if it is true or I am
mistaken before I post it.
             At 07:25 PM 11/6/02 -0800, Joe wrote:
              I love the way you try to make fun of the people that had more
sense than to dive with you, whether the reason was that the dive was beyond
their abilities and experience or that they just were using good judgment
and abiding by rules no. 1 and 2.
              You make the dive sound like a dare.  What's up with that?
              ----- Original Message -----
              From: Capt JT
              To: vbtech@ci*.co*
              Cc: ;
              Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:19 AM
              Subject: Lake Jocassee Project

              Lake Jocassee is a dammed valley with depths at times to
350ft. After last years trip to the lake ( read about it here,from ) a
new project was born. When the valley was flooded around 1968 several
structures were left and is the bases for many rumors as to what is still
there and who left what. With forest, roads, peaks, and who really knows
what is down there, it was a challenge to find a starting point to began a
search for some of these rumored things.
              Jackie Smith who has many dives to the lake had started to
follow a road that would lead him to a bridge, sound easy? Once you add in
the depth of 300ft and distance one might have to swim while poking a rod
down through the muck to feel for the road you get the feeling this will
take some time.

              Capt Bill Routh owner of "Off The Wall Dive Charters"( )  had done 3 years of interviews and archives of
old aerial soil assay pictures from the 60's. After endless hrs motoring
around looking Bill contacted friends with a Side Scan Sonar , Jonathan
Royer & Danelle Haley with Deep Seekers to help map the bottom. After a few
days an area was located that showed what could be a bridge with a
creek/river, the bridge was over what used to be White Water River that ran
adjacent to a camp. An old photograph taken from someone standing on the
bridge revealed a place called "Camp Jocassee". Camp Jocassee established in
1922 for girls ran until late 60's the summer before the DAM, it had a main
building and residence for the camp owners and several concrete block cabins
for the campers.The entrance to the camp was lined with stone walls with
pillars on each side of a white picket fence gate as shown in the picture
taken from the bridge looking toward the camp entrance.
              I asked Jackie if I could help and the project was born.
Jackie arranged for the charter with Capt Bill Routh owner of "Off The Wall
Dive Charters"( )  and I assembled the group, I had
at first limited it to 8 divers. Knowing that many would back out once the
time came near I allowed 12 to commit. Saying you can do a 300ft dive in
cold water in very low vis and actually doing it are 2 different things. The
first only takes your mouth, the second takes much more.
              As the date came within a week the excuses started rolling in,
I even heard one guy say his wife was planning on getting pregnant that
weekend and he wanted to be there when it happened, so he couldn't make the
dive. (not really true, but sounds good don't it)
              With the group down to 7 we headed to the lake, one guy said
his engine blew up, so we were down to 6 at dive time.
              Capt. Bill with Samantha Swenson as crew (who did a great job)
dropped a shot line in what was believed to be the old creek bed, the level
of the lake was low and the depth here was only 315ft, some trees remained
on each side of the creek and we believed that we could scooter it until we
found the bridge and a lift bag would be deployed and secured to the bridge,
then a permanent line could then be attached to it.
              Tom Sawicki, Bill Ripley and myself were tasked for this and
geared up for the dive. The air temp had warmed up from the morning cool of
33, to a cool of around 43. We entered the water carrying all gas needed for
the dive, we were diving gas mixes and tables recommended by Tom, I am not
allowed to disclose the mixes and tables. The water temp was 65 on top down
to 80ft and did a drop to 46 degrees, vis went from 20ft down to 5ft around
200ft. Tom stopped at 225ft and called the dive during the descent, I could
not understand why. Everyone returned Ok signs back to me and yet Tom still
was calling the dive, I could not understand why. I asked Tom why and on his
wet notes he wrote "VIS", I was pissed........ It is a standing rule that if
one calls the dive we must all surface, but that did not mean I had to be
happy about it. At one point I knocked my own mask off while moving stages
around because I was so pissed. Once on the boat he explained that
scootering in that low vis was not doable and we were getting to far apart
for such low vis, he was correct, but we did not know it was that bad on the
bottom yet, but later we would find he was right about that and was only
concerned with every ones safety.
              The plan was then changed and Jackie Smith, Charlie Johnson,
and Rodney King (not that Rodney King) would go down another line that was
dropped and hoped it had hooked the bridge(if it was there) or near it,
hopefully not in the trees. We watched as they went down and could see they
were not leaving the line. They surfaced to report that the hook had in fact
snagged the bridge, but vis was less than 5ft.

              With the first day gone, plans were made for the second day.
Tom, Bill, Rodney, and myself would go down the line we left buoyed to the
bridge,Tom would run a line from the bridge in a direction we believed the
camp to be, Rodney would video, Bill and myself would stay near them and

              Once at the top of the bridge which was at 289ft I waited for
everyone to show up, Rodney videoed while Tom and I secured the line to the
bridge that would be run. Once everyone made the move away from the bridge I
was at the rear and checked my gas(I was the only one using the same tanks
from the first dive and they were less than full when we started, I had gave
my second set of doubles to Tom to use). I had reached my turn pressure and
returned to the bridge, vis was so bad they were not aware of this and I
chose to remain close to the up line and just inspect the bridge to conserve
gas. They returned with excitement in their eyes having run the line to a
white picket fence that surrounds the camp which has stone pillars at the
entrance and can be seen in the video, the reel was left on the fence for
who ever goes next to run the line into the camp house which should be just

              Jackie and Charlie were tasked to take down a permanent line
and chain it into the bridge that would be left for future dives, a keg was
placed on the line 20ft under the surface and GPS coordinates were taken.

              I will show the video at the VBtech meeting on Thursday and
place photos on my site as soon as I can.

              Hope you have enjoyed this report
              Capt JT

              "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have
to get in the water"
              Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
               Web Site
              Email     captjt@mi*.co*

      "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get
in the water"
      Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
       Web Site
      Email     captjt@mi*.co*

      "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get
in the water"
      Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
       Web Site
      Email     captjt@mi*.co*

    "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in
the water"
    Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
     Web Site
    Email     captjt@mi*.co*

  "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in
the water"
  Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
   Web Site
  Email     captjt@mi*.co*

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<DIV><SPAN class=3D769392811-13112002><FONT face=3DArial
color=3D#0000ff =
again, everyone can see you are a mindless idiot with a petty agenda. =
again, nothing here but your resentful bullshit. You feel it is =
necessary to=20
attack Jarrod, one ( if not THE) best in the business and a well known, =
liked guy who has done more for diving that a petty little piece of shit =
you can imagine. You do not know anything about diving, you run complete =

clusterfucks, and you think everyone else must be the same. They are not =
- you=20
are the problem in everything you do, and I have seen it first hand and =
attest to it , just like anyone else who really knows this game and has =
into contact with you. JT, you are so stupid it is embarrassing.=20
  <DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT =
  size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Capt JT=20
  [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Tuesday, November 12, =
2002 8:07=20
  PM<BR><B>To:</B><BR><B>Cc:</B> =
vbtech@ci*.co*;=20<BR><B>Subject:</B> RE: Lake Jocassee=20
  Project<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>At 07:45 PM 11/12/02 -0500, George
  wrote:<BR><FONT face=3Darial color=3D#0000ff size=3D2>
  <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">For anyone who wants to understand the =
kind of=20
    incidents like what happened to a support diver on the Britannic=20
  trip</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I doubt you will tell it exactly like I =
was told=20
  by the guys who were there, but you do confirm with that statement =
  happened. Once again everyone can see I tell the truth. =
  face=3Dtahoma size=3D2>
  <BLOCKQUOTE cite =
    Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:53 AM<BR><B>To:</B> =
joe@po*.co*;=20<BR><B>Cc:</B> vbtech@ci*.co*;=20<BR><B>Subject:</B> Re: Lake Jocassee=20
        <DD> You don't have a clue, the truth is, I tell the truth. =
I have=20
        exposed George many times, you and your group with the accident =
you guys=20
        tried to hide, the Bent diver on the Britannic was common =
        among the real divers. Someone tried to tell it on the list soon =
        the trip and George pounded them. I got it straight from 2 of =
the horses=20
        mouth that were there and they told me in front of others in our =
        so they know it's true. If you guys told the truth about your =
dives, we=20
        wouldn't even be posting to each other. <BR><BR>
        <DD>The fact is this list is compiled of mostly novice divers =
and should=20
        be allowed to know that even the best have things happen on =
dives. So=20
        they can make a sound decision whether doing these kinds of =
dives are=20
        worth the risk for them. Only a select few that do real dives =
        others like Dean and Joel should not even be diving, much less =
        about it on a tech list. I exposed these guys long ago and they =
like you=20
        are trying to find a way to get back at me. LOL<BR><BR>
        <DD>Try the best you can to get at me with the bullshit, but I =
get at=20
        you guys with the truth. My guys are telling me that someone put =
        question out on quest about the bent diver and Peter asked for =
it to be=20
        answered on here. THE SILENCE IS DEAFENING........=20
        <DD>You're a small man with a small mind. Please tell George to =
keep his=20
        zipper up, you're getting out way to much.<BR><BR>
        <DD>At 05:56 AM 11/11/02 -0500, joe@po*.co* wrote:<FONT =

        face=3Darial size=3D2>
        <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">
          <DD>I asked you why you were making fun of the people who used =
          judgement and did not participate in your Lake Jocassee =
cluster fuck.=20
          <DD>Instead of defending your position, you proceeded to yap =
          anything and everything, rather than answering a simple =
question of=20
          why you belittled those who choose not to participate in your=20
          <DD>Fact:  You are an illiterate moron with no scruples =
          <DD>Fact:  When caught in stupidity, you will do anything =

          possible to divert attention from it, especially trying to =
confuse the=20
          issue by making disparaging remarks about those whose =
          you could never approach.  What ever transpired on the =
          Expedition has nothing to do with your continually setting a =
          example of how not to conduct oneself in the dive =
community. =20
          Your likening yourself to the Britannic team is beyond funny =
          comparing an alleged 490 foot, 2 man sand dive to a legitimate =

          expedition is ludicrous.=20
          <DD>I would also like to know what does an incident in Brazil =
have to=20
          do with your stupidity in Lake Jocassee?  I never cease =
to be=20
          amazed at your inability to complete a thought. =20
          <DD>Another EXTREMELY disgusting thing about you is the way =
you gloat=20
          over "another diver from the team would die diving solo in a=20
          cave".  Does this make you happy? =20
          <DD>Your version of the truth is not under scrutiny.  No =
          really cares to dispute it because it is not =
significant.  What=20
          is significant is the content of your dive stories. =20
          Specifically, your profound inability to conduct a dive that =
does not=20
          become some form of a SNAFU, shall we say.  I hesitate to =
use CF=20
          again because I do not like to be unnecessarily redundant, but =
          are not many phrases that will adequately substitute for =
it.  I=20
          trust you know what SNAFU means.  Just in case you do =
not, I will=20
          succinctly and subtly explain it to you.  A SNAFU is how =
          politely describe someone knocking his own mask off with a =
          bottle out of frustration because his buddy called the =
dive. =20
          BTW, a SNAFU becomes a CF when the one commiting the SNAFU =
happens to=20
          be the leader of the dive.  Now I realize that a CF is =
the norm=20
          for anything you do, so perhaps if we call it a SNAFU you will =
          better able to deal with it.=20
          <DD>For example, when you were horrificly bent on the Doria =
          solo-setting the hook (since you think you were the only one =
who could=20
          do it), you said you behaved badly so you did not dive the =
rest of the=20
          trip.  Everyone knows you were just telling the JT =
"truth", and=20
          you spent the rest of the trip on your bunk sucking on O2 when =
          should have been flown out by the Coast Guard.  This is =
          to the NC trip where you tied your deco bottles to the boat =
and got=20
          bent because you couldn't get back to them.  Actually, =
these are=20
          neither SNAFUs nor CFs.  These fall under the TARFU=20
          category.  However, your attempt to embarrass and cajole =
a diver=20
          into diving when they are saying they do not feel well =
(possible DCS)=20
          is beyond any of this.  That is FUBAR.=20
          <DD>Now I realize that all of this is getting somewhat =
          especially for a pea brain such as yourself, so I have created =
          "BARKOMETER" scale of abominable behaviors.  It goes like =
          <DD>SNAFU - A dive on which JT is a participant.  =
          something incredibly stupid will happen.=20
          <DD>CF - A SNAFU on which JT is the leader or organizer.  =
          likely, a NDE (near death experience) will occur.=20
          <DD>TARFU - A CF which is the fruit of a long 4 minute thought =
          by JT.  Typically involves highly avoidable multiple =
          <DD>FUBAR -   A TARFU which is the result of a =
malicious 3=20
          minute thought process by JT.  It is typically preceeded =
          several TARFUs, and is done in an attempt to smokescreen the =
          TARFUs that initially created the need for a FUBAR.=20
          <DD>In closing, JT, can I please have an order of McNuggets, =
fries, a=20
          happy meal, a bottled water and extra napkins -- to go?  =
BTW -=20
          Make it snappy and I'll send a letter to get you into =
          <DD>Best regards.=20
          <DD>"Your a lair, fries don't come with that."=20
<DD>           &nb=
sp;           &nbs=
p;       =20
          Capt. JT Barker</FONT>=20
          <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
          <DD>From: <A href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*">Capt JT</A> =

          <DD>To: <A=20
href=3D"mailto:girvine@be*.ne*"></A> ; <A=20
          <DD>Cc: <A=20
href=3D""></A> ; <A=20
          <DD>Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 5:55 PM=20
          <DD>Subject: RE: Lake Jocassee=20
          <DD>I will only answer you this once, after that you just try =
and turn=20
          these things into a shouting match. Funny how I can write =
about a dive=20
          and only the truth comes out in it. Just like I told the old =
          guy....make what you want of it. <BR><BR>
          <DD>Also you want everyone to watch a TV show that leaves out =
          accident. Lets put the facts out there. That team was hand =
picked, the=20
          so called "dream team of diving", yet with all the planning, =
ect. ect.=20
          a diver still got bent like a pretzel, I did not hear or see =
it in the=20
          show or have anyone post from the trip that it happened and =
          another diver from the team would die diving solo in a cave. =
These are=20
          just the facts.<BR><BR>
          <DD>It is really great that GUE forces their instructors to =
have good=20
          basic skills and even requires them to do a few real dives a =
year .=20
          But to have good enough skills to become a GUE instructor is =
          enough to handle the extreme stress of a 500ft dive, this was =
          out in the accident that was reported on techdiver ( <A=20
          )of the GUE instructor his name was on this post and buddy who =
          panicked or had a RB problem at depth, bolted, and got =
seriously bent.=20
          I hear there was no mention of this on quest, was there a =
cover up so=20
          not to rattle the following? I give you permission to show my =
          dive tape(since you have a stolen copy) to all GUE instructors =
so they=20
          can see how a 2 man team does that dive and no one gets hurt, =
they may=20
          have good enough skills to be the best instructors, but at =
least one=20
          had trouble surviving a real dive.=20
          <DD>I hear you have been bashing Andrew over on quest pretty =
good, we=20
          all know none of those GUE instructors will stand up to you. =
          depend on doing diving instruction as a living and understand =
          when you shake that money tree on these lists it will effect =
          income. I have met a lot of these guys and they are just =
normal guys=20
          trying to make a buck.<BR><BR>
          <DD>I do not make a dime off of diving and nothing you can do =
or say=20
          will effect me. So standing up to you is just the right thing =
for me.=20
          When I call someone a "weenie", I'm right on the mark........ =
The last=20
          diver I called that on this list which was over a month ago =
has come=20
          and dived with me, he had 75 logged dives and is no match for =
me or=20
          anyone in our group. He was actually better than I thought he =
          be. Nice guy, he just will need a lot of dives and work to get =
          he wants to be.<BR><BR>
          <DD>So where does all this take us.........the fact remains =
and will=20
          always remain as long as people place their heads underwater =
          will die, even the best will have a problem sometime, getting =
them to=20
          admit it or that it has happen  is a hard thing to do . I =
          yet had to go to a chamber, no one has died on any trip I am =
in charge=20
          of. To my knowledge few have done more sub 300ft wreck dives =
than me.=20
          I only know a few divers who are more tougher underwater than =
me in=20
          the conditions I dive in. And you ain't one of them, I saw how =
that 53=20
          degree water kicked your ass here on a 140ft dive. Stick to =
the clear=20
          warm water in them caves and you will remain at the top and =
can beat=20
          your chest. <BR><BR>
          <DD>I know you are going to blast a reply, I wouldn't expect =
          less, but don't expect a reply from me.<BR><BR>
          <DD>BTW do you plan to have a recall on the wreck scooter so =
you can=20
          install the right clutch at no cost that should have been =
installed in=20
          the first place.=20
          <DD>  At 06:17 AM 11/7/02 -0500, George Irvine =
          <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">
            <DD>Listen, "Capt JT" , this is really pathetic. For one, =
you have=20
            so little skill and  knowledge that it is laughable =
when you=20
            discuss taking days to deal with this self-created =
clusterfuck that=20
            would be nothing to a skilled diver. You calling people =
weenies is=20
            laughable when I know for a fact that you would not know =
where to=20
            start with  a real dive. Your criticism of people who =
            proper judgment when faced with one of your mindless dive =
plans is=20
            inexcusable stroke bullshit. I will remind you that Jarrod =
and I=20
            both pulled the thumb on one of your ridiculous dive plans =
            seeing your SWBS in action. Want to call the two of us =
            Big Time?<BR><BR>
            <DD>The fact is that you and you alone are the problem on =
all your=20
            dives - not only for yourself but for everyone around you. I =
can not=20
            believe these guys still subject themselves to this.<BR><BR>
            <DD>By the way, as long as you are sending your reports to =
the rest=20
            of the gang "to make changes if it is true or I am mistaken =
before I=20
            post it", perhaps  you could persuade one of them to =
edit out=20
            the illiteracy so that the comedy of your stupidity does not =
            attention from the seriousness of the stroke example that =
you set.=20
            The problem is that people are laughing at you on here, and =
you are=20
            not the least bit funny. <FONT face=3Dtahoma>
            <DD>-----Original Message-----</FONT><FONT face=3Dtahoma =
            <DD>From: joe@po*.co* [<A=20
            <DD>Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:22 PM=20
            <DD>To: vbtech@ci*.co*; Capt JT=20
            <DD>Subject: Re: Lake Jocassee Project</FONT><FONT =
            <DD>I do not doubt the veracity of the report.  You =
            have made that up.  I am talking about your ridicule of =
            whose survival instincts prompted them to back out.  I =
            that offensive because it is a good way to push people into =
            themselves killed for fear of being criticized.</FONT>=20
            <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
            <DD>From: <A href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*">Capt =
            <DD>To: <A href=3D"mailto:joe@po*.co*">Joe</A> ; <A =

            <DD>Cc: <A=20
href=3D""></A> ; <A=20
            <DD>Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:46 PM=20
            <DD>Subject: Re: Lake Jocassee Project=20
            <DD>Make what you want of it, everyone who was there and =
those who=20
            were to go but didn't know the answers. Not one of them will =
            anything different than what I say. Every report on dives I =
make is=20
            sent to those on the trip and they have the option to make =
            if it is true or I am mistaken before I post it.=20
            <DD> At 07:25 PM 11/6/02 -0800, Joe wrote:<FONT =
            <BLOCKQUOTE cite type=3D"cite">
              <DD>JT:</FONT> <FONT face=3Darial size=3D2>
              <DD>I love the way you try to make fun of the people that =
had more=20
              sense than to dive with you, whether the reason was that =
the dive=20
              was beyond their abilities and experience or that they =
just were=20
              using good judgment and abiding by rules no. 1 and =
2.</FONT> <FONT=20
              face=3Darial size=3D2>
              <DD>You make the dive sound like a dare.  What's up =
              that?</FONT> <FONT face=3Darial size=3D2>
              <DD>Best.</FONT> <FONT face=3Darial size=3D2>
              <DD>----- Original Message -----=20
              <DD>From: <A href=3D"mailto:captjt@mi*.co*">Capt =
              <DD>To: <A=20
              <DD>Cc: <A=20
href=3D""></A> ;=20
              <A =
              <DD>Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:19 AM=20
              <DD>Subject: Lake Jocassee=20
              <DD>Lake Jocassee is a dammed valley with depths at times =
              350ft. After last years trip to the lake ( read about it =
here <A=20
              ) a new project was born. When the valley was flooded =
around 1968=20
              several structures were left and is the bases for many =
rumors as=20
              to what is still there and who left what. With forest, =
              peaks, and who really knows what is down there, it was a =
              to find a starting point to began a search for some of =
              rumored things.=20
              <DD>Jackie Smith who has many dives to the lake had =
started to=20
              follow a road that would lead him to a bridge, sound easy? =
              you add in the depth of 300ft and distance one might have =
to swim=20
              while poking a rod down through the muck to feel for the =
road you=20
              get the feeling this will take some time.  <BR><BR>
              <DD>Capt Bill Routh owner of "Off The Wall Dive Charters"( =
              href=3D"" =
              color=3D#0000ff></A></FONT> =
)  had done=20
              3 years of interviews and archives of old aerial soil =
              pictures from the 60's. After endless hrs motoring around =
              Bill contacted friends with a Side Scan Sonar , Jonathan =
              & Danelle Haley with Deep Seekers to help map the =
              After a few days an area was located that showed what =
could be a=20
              bridge with a creek/river, the bridge was over what used =
to be=20
              White Water River that ran adjacent to a camp. An old =
              taken from someone standing on the bridge revealed a place =
              "Camp Jocassee". Camp Jocassee established in 1922 for =
girls ran=20
              until late 60's the summer before the DAM, it had a main =
              and residence for the camp owners and several concrete =
              cabins for the campers.The entrance to the camp was lined =
              stone walls with pillars on each side of a white picket =
fence gate=20
              as shown in the picture taken from the bridge looking =
toward the=20
              camp entrance.=20
              <DD>I asked Jackie if I could help and the project was =
              Jackie arranged for the charter with Capt Bill Routh owner =
of "Off=20
              The Wall Dive Charters"( <A=20
              href=3D"" =
              color=3D#0000ff></A></FONT> =
)  and I=20
              assembled the group, I had at first limited it to 8 =
              Knowing that many would back out once the time came near I =
              12 to commit. Saying you can do a 300ft dive in cold water =
in very=20
              low vis and actually doing it are 2 different things. The =
              only takes your mouth, the second takes much more.=20
              <DD>As the date came within a week the excuses started =
rolling in,=20
              I even heard one guy say his wife was planning on getting =
              that weekend and he wanted to be there when it happened, =
so he=20
              couldn't make the dive. (not really true, but sounds good =
              <DD>With the group down to 7 we headed to the lake, one =
guy said=20
              his engine blew up, so we were down to 6 at dive time.=20
              <DD>Capt. Bill with Samantha Swenson as crew (who did a =
great job)=20
              dropped a shot line in what was believed to be the old =
creek bed,=20
              the level of the lake was low and the depth here was only =
              some trees remained on each side of the creek and we =
believed that=20
              we could scooter it until we found the bridge and a lift =
bag would=20
              be deployed and secured to the bridge, then a permanent =
line could=20
              then be attached to it.=20
              <DD>Tom Sawicki, Bill Ripley and myself were tasked for =
this and=20
              geared up for the dive. The air temp had warmed up from =
              morning cool of 33, to a cool of around 43. We entered the =
              carrying all gas needed for the dive, we were diving gas =
mixes and=20
              tables recommended by Tom, I am not allowed to disclose =
the mixes=20
              and tables. The water temp was 65 on top down to 80ft and =
did a=20
              drop to 46 degrees, vis went from 20ft down to 5ft around =
              Tom stopped at 225ft and called the dive during the =
descent, I=20
              could not understand why. Everyone returned Ok signs back =
to me=20
              and yet Tom still was calling the dive, I could not =
              why. I asked Tom why and on his wet notes he wrote "VIS", =
I was=20
              pissed........ It is a standing rule that if one calls the =
dive we=20
              must all surface, but that did not mean I had to be happy =
              it. At one point I knocked my own mask off while moving =
              around because I was so pissed. Once on the boat he =
explained that=20
              scootering in that low vis was not doable and we were =
getting to=20
              far apart for such low vis, he was correct, but we did not =
know it=20
              was that bad on the bottom yet, but later we would find he =
              right about that and was only concerned with every ones =
              <DD>The plan was then changed and Jackie Smith, Charlie =
              and Rodney King (not that Rodney King) would go down =
another line=20
              that was dropped and hoped it had hooked the bridge(if it =
              there) or near it, hopefully not in the trees. We watched =
as they=20
              went down and could see they were not leaving the line. =
              surfaced to report that the hook had in fact snagged the =
              but vis was less than 5ft.<BR><BR>
              <DD>With the first day gone, plans were made for the =
second day.=20
              Tom, Bill, Rodney, and myself would go down the line we =
              buoyed to the bridge,Tom would run a line from the bridge =
in a=20
              direction we believed the camp to be, Rodney would video, =
Bill and=20
              myself would stay near them and survey. <BR><BR>
              <DD>Once at the top of the bridge which was at 289ft I =
waited for=20
              everyone to show up, Rodney videoed while Tom and I =
secured the=20
              line to the bridge that would be run. Once everyone made =
the move=20
              away from the bridge I was at the rear and checked my =
gas(I was=20
              the only one using the same tanks from the first dive and =
              were less than full when we started, I had gave my second =
set of=20
              doubles to Tom to use). I had reached my turn pressure and =

              returned to the bridge, vis was so bad they were not aware =
of this=20
              and I chose to remain close to the up line and just =
inspect the=20
              bridge to conserve gas. They returned with excitement in =
              eyes having run the line to a white picket fence that =
              the camp which has stone pillars at the entrance and can =
be seen=20
              in the video, the reel was left on the fence for who ever =
              next to run the line into the camp house which should be =
              <DD>Jackie and Charlie were tasked to take down a =
permanent line=20
              and chain it into the bridge that would be left for future =
              a keg was placed on the line 20ft under the surface and =
              coordinates were taken. <BR><BR>
              <DD>I will show the video at the VBtech meeting on =
Thursday and=20
              place photos on my site as soon as I can.<BR><BR>
              <DD>Hope you have enjoyed this report=20
              <DD>Capt JT=20
              <DD>   =20
              <DD>"You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later =
you have=20
              to get in the water"<FONT color=3D#0000ff>=20
              <DD>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast =
              <DD> Web Site  <A =
              <DD>Email     =
      can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in =
      water"<BR><FONT color=3D#0000ff>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving =
along the=20
      East Coast & more <BR> Web Site  <A=20
eudora=3D"autourl"></A><BR>Email   =
      captjt@mi*.co*</FONT><BR><BR><BR><BR>"You can't learn to =
dive on=20
      the net, sooner or later you have to get in the water"<BR><FONT=20
      color=3D#0000ff>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East =
Coast &=20
      more <BR> Web Site  <A href=3D""=20
eudora=3D"autourl"></A><BR>Email   =
      captjt@mi*.co*<BR></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>"You can't =
learn to=20
    dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in the =
    color=3D#0000ff>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East =
Coast &=20
    more <BR> Web Site  <A href=3D""=20
eudora=3D"autourl"></A><BR>Email   =
can't =
learn to=20
  dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get in the =
  color=3D#0000ff><U>Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East =
Coast &=20
  more <BR> Web Site  <A href=3D""=20
  eudora=3D"autourl"></A><A =
  eudora=3D"autourl">/<BR></A>Email    =20


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