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From: "George Irvine" <girvine@be*.ne*>
To: "Michael Fisch" <michael.fisch@gm*.ne*>,
Subject: RE: Mike Fisch learned something...
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 09:11:52 -0400
Mike Fisch, if you were doing all these things while Mike Waldbrenner and I
were playing with our duckies, then we both need to thank you for leaving us
all so much cave to explore. However, we are both pissed off that you did
not just tell us how to do this so we did not need to do so much work on our

How do you say, "Full of Shit" in German?

Nice try at getting something started up with us, but as you can see, nobody
is playing.

By the way, Big Time, look who holds the records and has the end of the
line. It ain't you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Fisch [mailto:michael.fisch@gm*.ne*]
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2893 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: Mike Fisch learned something...


Dear Michael Waldbrenner,

I am not as stupid as you would like others to believe.

In fact I was diving Trimix back when you were still playing with your
rubber ducky in the bathtub. A few instance to prove my point:

Years ago when you were to dive with doubles, I sold you my own homemade
isolation manifold since the Scubapro isolation manifold that had just come
out was better than my homemade ones.

When you thought that FFMs were the way to go, I let you use my EXO 26, but
without the switch block since I had already figured out that switchblocks
can do a good job killing you.

Your cave card dates from 1999 - but for a beginner you have done some
impressive dives.

And the reason why I keep hammering Support divers who don't have a clue,
should be understandable to everone who has any intelligence. You and
Rheinhard Buchaly continue to use divers without any form of cave
certification to do support dives inside the cave out of the daylight zone.
Last time you responded by saying they were under your direct supervision,
even though you were 5500 meters further back in the cave at the time.

Luckily so far you have not killed a support diver, but if you continue as
you show every intention of doing it's just a matter of time untill you have
a dead support diver. Have a GUE Cave instructor come over to France and
teach your supporters what the need to know to be able to survive, it
doesn't have to be Cave 2 to start with!

As for the support divers on this double RB80 screwup, they really did't
have a clue or do youn really believe that videotaping DCS at depth is more
important than trying to find out what the problem is and helping?

Michael Fisch

>What does this teach us?

>1. Blowing off all your deep stops will hurt you!

Great that you learned something !

>4. Support divers without a clue, are useless except as sherpas.

Were did the make a mistake ? They were bringing them stuff and organised


necessary thing at the surface ?

Why did they have no clue ?

My portugiese is too bad;-) but from what had been translated i think they


happy to have those dudes at the surface !

Why are you always trying to hammer support-crews ?

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