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From: "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>
To: "Techdiver" <>
Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 19:53:51 -0700
Good day Mr. Hardy.  I trust you and your associate Mr. Laurel had a
wonderful weekend.

(It always helps to exchange pleasantries when encountering the Village

Your post exudes anger.  Could it be that you lash out at the world to cover
your inadequacies?  I understand your daddy was quite an accomplished
military man with an impressive track record.  I also gather that you just
can't seem to "measure up".  It must be difficult having an accomplished
father and be viewed a dismal failure.  Poor little Ollie.  He just can't
seem to do anything right and can't stand the thought that his father wishes
he went bowling the night he was conceived.

In your quest for acceptance, you confuse techdiving with a competitive
sport and use it as a venue to be a man in your fathers eyes.  Hence your
combative approach.

Sadly, you cannot win, even in a non competitive sport.  You are the
consumate loser.  "I can't reach my valves so I quit".

Oddly enough, the arrogance of your post is only surpassed by its'
stupidity.  Do you really think that a punk like you can bully me into
retreat?  That is your style.  Duck the question with childish name calling,
pound your chest and turn everything into a battle over some non related

Won't work here pal.

The reason you don't know me is because of something you should have figured
by now.  I strictly adhere to "Rule No. 1",  something I have heard you
scream at others.  Your choice to exercise "Rule No. 2" is a wise one
because like everything else in your life, you are unable to do it.

While I am at it you boast:

" don't do the number of dives JT does and survive out of sheer
chance. JT has a track record of planning, executing and surviving hundreds
of dives of all depths in all conditions."

Survival should never be in doubt because not surviving is an unacceptable
option. You guys seem to think that if you do something stupid and survive
it is OK and a valid option.  You can go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and
survive.  Your survival doesn't make it any less stupid.

You also claim:

"...unlike your pussy 100' vis 10min boat ride florida dives...yap, yap,
yap, blah, blah, blah..."

Again you go off with the chest beating.  Clear water will kill you just as
dead as murky water.  FYI, diving is supposed to be an enjoyable pastime,
not an attempt to cheat the grim reaper so you can brag.  The methods we
employ will work in any water, be it warm, cold, clear or cloudy.  The goal
should be to do an enjoyable dive and accomplish something.  It should not
be an exercise in terror so you can boast surviving.  For example, tying
into The Doria solo is patently stupid.  It isn't a question of whether or
not you can do it, anyone on the trip should be capable of doing it.  It is
just a dumb thing to do.  You may appear the hero to the uninitiated, but to
anyone that knows the game, you look like a boob.

Ollie, it is my intention to become the conscience of both yourself and
Stanley.  Every time you put out some form of stupidity I will be there to
question it.  My goal is to improve the sport by showing stupidity for what
it is and share anything I may have learned with those whom you seek to keep
in the dark.  Thus far neither of you have answered one question about
anything I have asked.  The reason is because you can't without sounding
like complete and utter fools and anyone following this thread will see
that, ergo mission accomplished.

Best regards.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
To: <joe@po*.co*>
Cc: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>; <>; "VB Tech"
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech

> Unlike that band of backstabbing pirates you assotiate with, we stick
> together up here. And when I see lies I call em. So, Joe, how did *you*
> do in GUE fundamentals? Why, I will bet you can teach the class with
> that winning personality of yours. No, on the other hand you'd better
> stick to rebuilding compressors. You seem to be good at pumping out hot
> air.
> Yes, your diving resume is part of the equation. If George decides to
> hammer JT he's got a right to. You, on the other hand, appear to be a
> simpleton and a fool. Once again, who are you? What trips have you run?
> What kind of condtions do you dive in? Simple questions, simple answers.
> I am sure the whole list would like to know.
> Buy the way I hear you are one ugly motherfucker. Could peel the paint
> off a flagpole. You have to wear a hat all the time so people know which
> end to talk to. When you popped out of your mama the doctor didn't know
> whether to put you in the crib or flush you down the crapper. Not only
> that you are a short, fat ugly fucker.
> Not a hotshot diver? Shit, you have done everything except howl at the
> moon as to what a divegod you are. What bullshit.
> On Friday, August 2, 2002, at 05:17 AM, <joe@po*.co*> wrote:
> > Well, well.  If it isn't Oliver Hardy.  Stan Laurel has his ass in a
> > sling
> > so you have to bail him out.  I'm not the big shot Captain with the web
> > site
> > telling the world how great I am.  My "bonafides" aren't even in the
> > equasion.  I never claimed to be a hot shot diver.  JT has a web site
> > so I
> > guess that makes him an expert.  I just want him to validate his claims
> > but
> > it seems he can't.
> >
> > I am still waiting for an answer to the questions I asked.  You just
> > keep
> > blowing smoke but duck the questions.  You said:
> >
> >>>>> On the ML the zodiac is on the upper deck with a small boom
> >>>>> winch to deploy/sto the unit. It is rarely used, and you now what
> >>>>>>>> that means as far at the motor in concerned.
> >
> > Your words, not mine.  To me that is a state of disrepair.
> >
> > Well, I'm off to do a weekend of diving so I have no more time to play
> > here.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > BTW - Trust me on this - I'm just a guy that loves to dive - it is not
> > my
> > business - and I am tired off seeing the sport screwed up by jackoffs
> > like
> > JT - but neither of you guys could qualify to carry my tanks.
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
> > To: "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>
> > Cc: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>; <>; "VB
> > Tech"
> > <vbtech@ci*.co*>
> > Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 7:22 PM
> > Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >
> >
> >> All right, let's cut the bullshit, Joe. You are lying now. First off I
> >> said that the chase boat on this particular dive boat is hard to
> >> deploy,
> >> not "in a state of disrepair". Also I said that JT ensures the chase
> >> boat is running, fueled and ready before even leaving the dock.
> >>
> >> I will also add that, unlike your pussy 100' vis 10min boat ride
> >> florida
> >> dives (done in wetsuits with steel tanks, from all the pictures I've
> >> seen on Barnett's web site), the tech dives up here take hours to get
> >> to, most of the time through big seas.
> >>
> >> Tech dives up here take days of planning and coordination and are not
> >> considered afternoon larks like you FL divers. The dives are deep, dark
> >> and cold. You could spend weeks preparing, be geared up, tanked up with
> >> HE the night before and have the dive called. What do you do then? You
> >> suck it up and get ready for the next trip.
> >>
> >> You Florida knuckleheads would be whining and moaning the whole way.
> >> Everytime you MF's come up here you spend the whole trip out and back
> >> barfing over the side rolled up in a green ball.
> >>
> >> And, Joe, what exactly are *your* bonafides? JT has an entire website
> >> with hundreds of pictures and hundreds of witnesses who can state
> >> exactly what kind of diver he is. You can criticize him all you want
> >> but
> >> you don't do the number of dives JT does and survive out of sheer
> >> chance. JT has a track record of planning, executing and surviving
> >> hundreds of dives of all depths in all conditions.
> >>
> >> You, on the other hand, nobody has never heard of, has no track record
> >> of any kind and appears to be a sock puppet for Barnett and company.
> >> How
> >> pitiful. I did some snooping on the internet and cannot find a single
> >> bit of information on anything to do with you and diving.
> >>
> >> (I know, I know, now you are going to pull out the "oh look at Cobb,
> >> who
> >> quit diving running his mouth again". Well at least when I dove I told
> >> the truth and didn't sit there with some puppetmaster pulling my
> >> strings. Sure George and I collaborated on a couple of projects on this
> >> list that needed working on, but I never said anything that did not
> >> need
> >> saying.)
> >>
> >> So, Joe, why don't you sit down and shut the fuck up until you can
> >> prove, as JT has done, that you actually dive, that you dive in
> >> something other than than gin-clear bathtubs and have planned, setup,
> >> paid for and run multi-day technical dives? Maybe you do, maybe you
> >> don't. Nobody knows. Do you fish or do you chop bait? Let's see your
> >> cards, buddy. Just who the fuck are *you*?
> >>
> >>     Jim
> >>
> >> On Friday, August 2, 2002, at 06:12 PM, Joe wrote:
> >>
> >>> "I said I consider myself as failed the class"
> >>>
> >>> OK JT.  That much we agree on.  So lets really cut to the chase and
> >>> stop the
> >>> smoke screen nonsense.  Artifacts, scooters and dirty little secrets
> >>> have
> >>> nothing to do with this thread and you are using them as a distraction
> >>> from
> >>> the real issues.
> >>>
> >>> Explain to all of us why you keep avoiding the original topics which
> >>> among
> >>> other things included a discussion about the methodology employed when
> >>> drift
> >>> diving.  If you recall, I wanted to know why you would anchor into a
> >>> wreck
> >>> with an inoperable chase boat instead of live boating.
> >>>
> >>> I also would like to know why if YOU are doing a "big" dive you make
> >>> sure
> >>> the chase boat is in good working order but the norm is for it to be
> >>> in a
> >>> state of disrepair.  Is your life more valuable than that of your
> >>> paying
> >>> passengers?
> >>>
> >>> By virtue your email footer it is clear that you attempt to promote
> >>> yourself
> >>> as some form of wreck diving guru.  Yet you cannot pass muster on
> >>> something
> >>> simple like buoyancy control and get flustered if they take away your
> >>> mask.
> >>> I would bet that if a customer failed as you did you would be real
> >>> quick to
> >>> limit his diving.
> >>>
> >>> The problems you described on your scooter clearly indicate that you
> >>> haven't
> >>> the foggiest clue as to how they work.  I know I am correct because my
> >>> bird
> >>> called me last night and told me that you shouldn't be scooter diving.
> >>> He
> >>> said that the chimp was pretty smart but that you wouldn't listen to
> >>> him.
> >>>
> >>> After all of this, you still have the gall to get on these lists and
> >>> boast
> >>> about 400 ft. scooter dives.  You really should follow your own advice
> >>> and
> >>> get off the net and into the water.
> >>>
> >>> Also, you use "  Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East
> >>> Coast &
> >>> more  Web Site" in your email footer.  Who in
> >>> their
> >>> right mind would let you guide them anywhere?
> >>>
> >>> Quit the smoke and mirrors game and answer the questions or shut up
> >>> and
> >>> sit
> >>> in the corner.
> >>>
> >>> Regards.
> >>>
> >>> Joe
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
> >>> To: "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>; "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
> >>> Cc: <>
> >>> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 7:13 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> You got me on that, I said I consider myself as failed the class,
> >>>> even
> >>>> though there is no pass or fail, I said it so it must be true, just
> >>>> like
> >>>> everything else I say.........don't you get the picture or are you so
> >>>> much
> >>>> of a lair you will be anything to cover your friends.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have a picture that Seawolf sent me of one of the portholes being
> >>>> sent
> >>> up
> >>>> and he named the jpg, " Gov. Artifact Theft" . That should say it all
> >>> right
> >>>> there...........
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>    At 02:13 PM 8/1/02 -0700, Joe wrote:
> >>>>> Let me see if I have this right.  You are unable to address any of
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> issues re your incompetence (failed Fundamentals - BTW that is kind
> >>>>> of
> >>> like
> >>>>> flunking out of kindergarten) so you change the subject and whine
> >>>>> about
> >>>>> scooter problems that a chimp could fix.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now, after you publicly admit that you can't dive (no basic inwater
> >>> skills)
> >>>>> and have no clue as to how your scooter works, (as evidenced by this
> >>> post)
> >>>>> and yet you boast about taking it on a 400' dive.  You sure set a
> >>>>> great
> >>>>> example.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I will help you out on this.  I am sending my talking macaw up there
> >>>>> to
> >>> tell
> >>>>> you how to fix the scooters.  Pay close attention to everything he
> >>>>> says
> >>>>> because he is much smarter than the chimp.  After he gets you
> >>>>> squared
> >>> away
> >>>>> on the scooter, he can coach you on your next big dive.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Joe
> >>>>> PS- The bird really likes peanuts.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>> From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
> >>>>> To: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
> >>>>> Cc: <>; <vbtech@ci*.co*>
> >>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 2:23 PM
> >>>>> Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> George, make any suggestion you want, it matters not to me. But you
> >>> can
> >>>>>> help us up here. We are having some problems with your scooters and
> >>> the
> >>>>>> guys are a bit reluctant about asking you how to fix them. 2 of
> >>>>>> them
> >>> the
> >>>>>> clutch is slipping and the trigger keeps coming off of one. Any
> >>>>> suggestions
> >>>>>> on the clutch problem, the scooters are unusable at this time.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    At 09:21 PM 7/30/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:
> >>>>>>> JT, let's cut to the chase here: everytime I make a suggestion ,
> >>>>>>> you
> >>> want
> >>>>>>> to fight about it while ignoring the suggestion. If anyone else
> >>>>>>> makes
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> same suggestion, you want to "challenge" them to a dive.  Just
> >>>>>>> ague
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> suggestion, not what you think I do or did or what anyone else
> >>>>>>> does .
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Everytime there is a real idiot, like the guy on the Seeker who
> >>>>>>> wants
> >>> to
> >>>>> do
> >>>>>>> battle with me or my friends, you want to defend them. If you want
> >>>>>>> to
> >>>>> keep
> >>>>>>> doing that, take it off line. You can express your paranoia and
> >>>>>>> your
> >>>>>>> concern about my "agenda" without wasting everyone else's time.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You are so upset that people listen to me, and you are especially
> >>>>> concerned
> >>>>>>> if they buy some piece of gear that I use. Why don't you take over
> >>> for me
> >>>>>>> and show everyone what the good stuff is? ( I can answer why you
> >>>>>>> do
> >>> not
> >>>>> and
> >>>>>>> why nobody listens to you - you don't have any and you don't
> >>>>>>> know).
> >>> But
> >>>>> you
> >>>>>>> can stay all upset about it. Most of the jerks who want to fight
> >>>>>>> with
> >>> me
> >>>>> all
> >>>>>>> the time have the same beef, only no better answers.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You get on here year after year with stories of deaths , accidents
> >>> and
> >>>>>>> clusterfucks with your latest "confession" ( like failing
> >>> Fundamentals),
> >>>>>>> and then go do the same things over and over and over again while
> >>>>> expecting
> >>>>>>> different results. Then you want to assume that everyone else has
> >>>>>>> the
> >>>>> same
> >>>>>>> self-imposed problems, and go into paranoia mode about it.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You need to worry about yourself. You are not qualified to worry
> >>> about
> >>>>>>> anyone else. By the way, your "tough guy" attitude about diving is
> >>> Page
> >>>>> One
> >>>>>>> definition of a stroke.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>>>>> From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
> >>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 4:43 PM
> >>>>>>> To: girvine@be*.ne*
> >>>>>>> Cc:; vbtech@ci*.co*
> >>>>>>> Subject: RE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I see the truth really gets to you, blows your cover of doing
> >>> everything
> >>>>>>> right and by the book. I am the biggest thorn in your back
> >>>>>>> because I
> >>> just
> >>>>>>> tell the truth, nothing more. I do not have to claim to dive in
> >>>>>>> 28ft
> >>> seas
> >>>>>>> (funny how it was reduced to a mere 19ft at the next DIR class and
> >>> then
> >>>>>>> increased the deep dive of 475ft to the following) or do 575ft
> >>>>>>> dives
> >>> to
> >>>>>>> impress the class, most students are of the new type and just
> >>>>>>> eager
> >>> to
> >>>>> fit
> >>>>>>> in with someone or group and believe anything. I've been around
> >>> awhile
> >>>>> and
> >>>>>>> tend to check out the facts or just laugh at the obvious.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to
> >>>>>> get
> >>> in
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>> water"
> >>>>>> Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
> >>>>>>   Web Site
> >>>>>> Email     captjt@mi*.co*
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to
> >>> `'.
> >>>>>> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to
> >>> `'.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to
> >>>>> `'.
> >>>>> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `techdiver-
> >>>>> request@aq*.co*'.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get
> >>>> in
> >>> the
> >>>> water"
> >>>> Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
> >>>>   Web Site
> >>>> Email     captjt@mi*.co*
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to
> >>> `'.
> >>> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `techdiver-
> >>> request@aq*.co*'.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to `'.
> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `'.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
To: <joe@po*.co*>
Cc: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>; <>; "VB Tech"
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech

> Unlike that band of backstabbing pirates you assotiate with, we stick
> together up here. And when I see lies I call em. So, Joe, how did *you*
> do in GUE fundamentals? Why, I will bet you can teach the class with
> that winning personality of yours. No, on the other hand you'd better
> stick to rebuilding compressors. You seem to be good at pumping out hot
> air.
> Yes, your diving resume is part of the equation. If George decides to
> hammer JT he's got a right to. You, on the other hand, appear to be a
> simpleton and a fool. Once again, who are you? What trips have you run?
> What kind of condtions do you dive in? Simple questions, simple answers.
> I am sure the whole list would like to know.
> Buy the way I hear you are one ugly motherfucker. Could peel the paint
> off a flagpole. You have to wear a hat all the time so people know which
> end to talk to. When you popped out of your mama the doctor didn't know
> whether to put you in the crib or flush you down the crapper. Not only
> that you are a short, fat ugly fucker.
> Not a hotshot diver? Shit, you have done everything except howl at the
> moon as to what a divegod you are. What bullshit.
> On Friday, August 2, 2002, at 05:17 AM, <joe@po*.co*> wrote:
> > Well, well.  If it isn't Oliver Hardy.  Stan Laurel has his ass in a
> > sling
> > so you have to bail him out.  I'm not the big shot Captain with the web
> > site
> > telling the world how great I am.  My "bonafides" aren't even in the
> > equasion.  I never claimed to be a hot shot diver.  JT has a web site
> > so I
> > guess that makes him an expert.  I just want him to validate his claims
> > but
> > it seems he can't.
> >
> > I am still waiting for an answer to the questions I asked.  You just
> > keep
> > blowing smoke but duck the questions.  You said:
> >
> >>>>> On the ML the zodiac is on the upper deck with a small boom
> >>>>> winch to deploy/sto the unit. It is rarely used, and you now what
> >>>>>>>> that means as far at the motor in concerned.
> >
> > Your words, not mine.  To me that is a state of disrepair.
> >
> > Well, I'm off to do a weekend of diving so I have no more time to play
> > here.
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > BTW - Trust me on this - I'm just a guy that loves to dive - it is not
> > my
> > business - and I am tired off seeing the sport screwed up by jackoffs
> > like
> > JT - but neither of you guys could qualify to carry my tanks.
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
> > To: "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>
> > Cc: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>; <>; "VB
> > Tech"
> > <vbtech@ci*.co*>
> > Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 7:22 PM
> > Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >
> >
> >> All right, let's cut the bullshit, Joe. You are lying now. First off I
> >> said that the chase boat on this particular dive boat is hard to
> >> deploy,
> >> not "in a state of disrepair". Also I said that JT ensures the chase
> >> boat is running, fueled and ready before even leaving the dock.
> >>
> >> I will also add that, unlike your pussy 100' vis 10min boat ride
> >> florida
> >> dives (done in wetsuits with steel tanks, from all the pictures I've
> >> seen on Barnett's web site), the tech dives up here take hours to get
> >> to, most of the time through big seas.
> >>
> >> Tech dives up here take days of planning and coordination and are not
> >> considered afternoon larks like you FL divers. The dives are deep, dark
> >> and cold. You could spend weeks preparing, be geared up, tanked up with
> >> HE the night before and have the dive called. What do you do then? You
> >> suck it up and get ready for the next trip.
> >>
> >> You Florida knuckleheads would be whining and moaning the whole way.
> >> Everytime you MF's come up here you spend the whole trip out and back
> >> barfing over the side rolled up in a green ball.
> >>
> >> And, Joe, what exactly are *your* bonafides? JT has an entire website
> >> with hundreds of pictures and hundreds of witnesses who can state
> >> exactly what kind of diver he is. You can criticize him all you want
> >> but
> >> you don't do the number of dives JT does and survive out of sheer
> >> chance. JT has a track record of planning, executing and surviving
> >> hundreds of dives of all depths in all conditions.
> >>
> >> You, on the other hand, nobody has never heard of, has no track record
> >> of any kind and appears to be a sock puppet for Barnett and company.
> >> How
> >> pitiful. I did some snooping on the internet and cannot find a single
> >> bit of information on anything to do with you and diving.
> >>
> >> (I know, I know, now you are going to pull out the "oh look at Cobb,
> >> who
> >> quit diving running his mouth again". Well at least when I dove I told
> >> the truth and didn't sit there with some puppetmaster pulling my
> >> strings. Sure George and I collaborated on a couple of projects on this
> >> list that needed working on, but I never said anything that did not
> >> need
> >> saying.)
> >>
> >> So, Joe, why don't you sit down and shut the fuck up until you can
> >> prove, as JT has done, that you actually dive, that you dive in
> >> something other than than gin-clear bathtubs and have planned, setup,
> >> paid for and run multi-day technical dives? Maybe you do, maybe you
> >> don't. Nobody knows. Do you fish or do you chop bait? Let's see your
> >> cards, buddy. Just who the fuck are *you*?
> >>
> >>     Jim
> >>
> >> On Friday, August 2, 2002, at 06:12 PM, Joe wrote:
> >>
> >>> "I said I consider myself as failed the class"
> >>>
> >>> OK JT.  That much we agree on.  So lets really cut to the chase and
> >>> stop the
> >>> smoke screen nonsense.  Artifacts, scooters and dirty little secrets
> >>> have
> >>> nothing to do with this thread and you are using them as a distraction
> >>> from
> >>> the real issues.
> >>>
> >>> Explain to all of us why you keep avoiding the original topics which
> >>> among
> >>> other things included a discussion about the methodology employed when
> >>> drift
> >>> diving.  If you recall, I wanted to know why you would anchor into a
> >>> wreck
> >>> with an inoperable chase boat instead of live boating.
> >>>
> >>> I also would like to know why if YOU are doing a "big" dive you make
> >>> sure
> >>> the chase boat is in good working order but the norm is for it to be
> >>> in a
> >>> state of disrepair.  Is your life more valuable than that of your
> >>> paying
> >>> passengers?
> >>>
> >>> By virtue your email footer it is clear that you attempt to promote
> >>> yourself
> >>> as some form of wreck diving guru.  Yet you cannot pass muster on
> >>> something
> >>> simple like buoyancy control and get flustered if they take away your
> >>> mask.
> >>> I would bet that if a customer failed as you did you would be real
> >>> quick to
> >>> limit his diving.
> >>>
> >>> The problems you described on your scooter clearly indicate that you
> >>> haven't
> >>> the foggiest clue as to how they work.  I know I am correct because my
> >>> bird
> >>> called me last night and told me that you shouldn't be scooter diving.
> >>> He
> >>> said that the chimp was pretty smart but that you wouldn't listen to
> >>> him.
> >>>
> >>> After all of this, you still have the gall to get on these lists and
> >>> boast
> >>> about 400 ft. scooter dives.  You really should follow your own advice
> >>> and
> >>> get off the net and into the water.
> >>>
> >>> Also, you use "  Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East
> >>> Coast &
> >>> more  Web Site" in your email footer.  Who in
> >>> their
> >>> right mind would let you guide them anywhere?
> >>>
> >>> Quit the smoke and mirrors game and answer the questions or shut up
> >>> and
> >>> sit
> >>> in the corner.
> >>>
> >>> Regards.
> >>>
> >>> Joe
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
> >>> To: "Joe" <joe@po*.co*>; "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
> >>> Cc: <>
> >>> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 7:13 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> You got me on that, I said I consider myself as failed the class,
> >>>> even
> >>>> though there is no pass or fail, I said it so it must be true, just
> >>>> like
> >>>> everything else I say.........don't you get the picture or are you so
> >>>> much
> >>>> of a lair you will be anything to cover your friends.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have a picture that Seawolf sent me of one of the portholes being
> >>>> sent
> >>> up
> >>>> and he named the jpg, " Gov. Artifact Theft" . That should say it all
> >>> right
> >>>> there...........
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>    At 02:13 PM 8/1/02 -0700, Joe wrote:
> >>>>> Let me see if I have this right.  You are unable to address any of
> >>>>> the
> >>>>> issues re your incompetence (failed Fundamentals - BTW that is kind
> >>>>> of
> >>> like
> >>>>> flunking out of kindergarten) so you change the subject and whine
> >>>>> about
> >>>>> scooter problems that a chimp could fix.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Now, after you publicly admit that you can't dive (no basic inwater
> >>> skills)
> >>>>> and have no clue as to how your scooter works, (as evidenced by this
> >>> post)
> >>>>> and yet you boast about taking it on a 400' dive.  You sure set a
> >>>>> great
> >>>>> example.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I will help you out on this.  I am sending my talking macaw up there
> >>>>> to
> >>> tell
> >>>>> you how to fix the scooters.  Pay close attention to everything he
> >>>>> says
> >>>>> because he is much smarter than the chimp.  After he gets you
> >>>>> squared
> >>> away
> >>>>> on the scooter, he can coach you on your next big dive.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Joe
> >>>>> PS- The bird really likes peanuts.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>>>> From: "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>
> >>>>> To: "George Irvine" <trey@my*.ne*>
> >>>>> Cc: <>; <vbtech@ci*.co*>
> >>>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 2:23 PM
> >>>>> Subject: Re: Cut to the chaseRE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> George, make any suggestion you want, it matters not to me. But you
> >>> can
> >>>>>> help us up here. We are having some problems with your scooters and
> >>> the
> >>>>>> guys are a bit reluctant about asking you how to fix them. 2 of
> >>>>>> them
> >>> the
> >>>>>> clutch is slipping and the trigger keeps coming off of one. Any
> >>>>> suggestions
> >>>>>> on the clutch problem, the scooters are unusable at this time.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>    At 09:21 PM 7/30/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:
> >>>>>>> JT, let's cut to the chase here: everytime I make a suggestion ,
> >>>>>>> you
> >>> want
> >>>>>>> to fight about it while ignoring the suggestion. If anyone else
> >>>>>>> makes
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> same suggestion, you want to "challenge" them to a dive.  Just
> >>>>>>> ague
> >>> the
> >>>>>>> suggestion, not what you think I do or did or what anyone else
> >>>>>>> does .
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Everytime there is a real idiot, like the guy on the Seeker who
> >>>>>>> wants
> >>> to
> >>>>> do
> >>>>>>> battle with me or my friends, you want to defend them. If you want
> >>>>>>> to
> >>>>> keep
> >>>>>>> doing that, take it off line. You can express your paranoia and
> >>>>>>> your
> >>>>>>> concern about my "agenda" without wasting everyone else's time.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You are so upset that people listen to me, and you are especially
> >>>>> concerned
> >>>>>>> if they buy some piece of gear that I use. Why don't you take over
> >>> for me
> >>>>>>> and show everyone what the good stuff is? ( I can answer why you
> >>>>>>> do
> >>> not
> >>>>> and
> >>>>>>> why nobody listens to you - you don't have any and you don't
> >>>>>>> know).
> >>> But
> >>>>> you
> >>>>>>> can stay all upset about it. Most of the jerks who want to fight
> >>>>>>> with
> >>> me
> >>>>> all
> >>>>>>> the time have the same beef, only no better answers.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You get on here year after year with stories of deaths , accidents
> >>> and
> >>>>>>> clusterfucks with your latest "confession" ( like failing
> >>> Fundamentals),
> >>>>>>> and then go do the same things over and over and over again while
> >>>>> expecting
> >>>>>>> different results. Then you want to assume that everyone else has
> >>>>>>> the
> >>>>> same
> >>>>>>> self-imposed problems, and go into paranoia mode about it.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> You need to worry about yourself. You are not qualified to worry
> >>> about
> >>>>>>> anyone else. By the way, your "tough guy" attitude about diving is
> >>> Page
> >>>>> One
> >>>>>>> definition of a stroke.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>>>>> From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
> >>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 4:43 PM
> >>>>>>> To: girvine@be*.ne*
> >>>>>>> Cc:; vbtech@ci*.co*
> >>>>>>> Subject: RE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I see the truth really gets to you, blows your cover of doing
> >>> everything
> >>>>>>> right and by the book. I am the biggest thorn in your back
> >>>>>>> because I
> >>> just
> >>>>>>> tell the truth, nothing more. I do not have to claim to dive in
> >>>>>>> 28ft
> >>> seas
> >>>>>>> (funny how it was reduced to a mere 19ft at the next DIR class and
> >>> then
> >>>>>>> increased the deep dive of 475ft to the following) or do 575ft
> >>>>>>> dives
> >>> to
> >>>>>>> impress the class, most students are of the new type and just
> >>>>>>> eager
> >>> to
> >>>>> fit
> >>>>>>> in with someone or group and believe anything. I've been around
> >>> awhile
> >>>>> and
> >>>>>>> tend to check out the facts or just laugh at the obvious.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to
> >>>>>> get
> >>> in
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>> water"
> >>>>>> Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
> >>>>>>   Web Site
> >>>>>> Email     captjt@mi*.co*
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> --
> >>>>>> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to
> >>> `'.
> >>>>>> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to
> >>> `'.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to
> >>>>> `'.
> >>>>> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `techdiver-
> >>>>> request@aq*.co*'.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> "You can't learn to dive on the net, sooner or later you have to get
> >>>> in
> >>> the
> >>>> water"
> >>>> Your Guide to Great Wreck Diving along the East Coast & more
> >>>>   Web Site
> >>>> Email     captjt@mi*.co*
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to
> >>> `'.
> >>> Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `techdiver-
> >>> request@aq*.co*'.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
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