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Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 16:42:37 -0400
To: <girvine@be*.ne*>
From: Capt JT <captjt@mi*.co*>
Subject: RE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
Cc: <>, vbtech@ci*.co*
I see the truth really gets to you, blows your cover of doing everything 
right and by the book. I am the biggest thorn in your back because I just 
tell the truth, nothing more. I do not have to claim to dive in 28ft seas 
(funny how it was reduced to a mere 19ft at the next DIR class and then 
increased the deep dive of 475ft to the following) or do 575ft dives to 
impress the class, most students are of the new type and just eager to fit 
in with someone or group and believe anything. I've been around awhile and 
tend to check out the facts or just laugh at the obvious.

  Everything I do is well documented and easily proved. This is not only 
the good stuff, but also the not so perfect.

Yes, I called poor neophyte Brian a pussy and his response in private was 
the typical I will come and fight you, like I ain't heard that 
before........... I told him he was a pussy diver and offered to cover his 
boat cost to come dive with me to a depth of his level, to prove to him he 
knows nothing of what he thinks he does. He is inexperienced and just like 
most who follow your advise on the Internet just plain can't dive . He is a 
newbie and just does not fit in with anyone or group that does any real 
dives but of course newbies do spend money and buy the things you 
recommend, also openly kiss your ass . Now they are DIR and in the "click". 
The problem comes when they get on a boat and make fools of themselves, it 
is happening more often than not now days, they look for ways to cover 
their mistakes and ask you to help cover them to protect the DIR teachings. 
Diving DIR does not make you an experienced diver, going diving does. Even 
a cockroach can go down a rope to 500ft, he'll never make it back, but if 
he knew what 500ft really was he would never even go, experience gets you 
there and back. Not gear, training, or DIR. Even DIR newbies know what 
100ft is and they can't get there without having problems, they don't have 
the experience.

As for dive temp, vis and other bullshit you posted I care little about it, 
it is a diversion to my post as what is needed for a proper drift dive and 
that is not what you did for us.

All this crap you play on this list is merely a game and business tool. I 
know it, the divers who dive with me know it and laugh it off. This should 
be getting close to where you bring out the 500ft sand dive routine, boy if 
I had a dollar for everytime I've seen you use that, I could retire..........

        At 08:40 PM 7/28/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:
>Look you little stroke: the last thing I wanted to do was leave a WKPP dive
>to come to Palm Breach and waste my time with you, but Dan was hounding me
>to show up and he is my friend, but I had nothing to do with any of it, and
>I did not give any kind of presentation or tell anyone anything about
>anything. His boy Abernathy gave us the crap boat, and the fact is Abernathy
>does not run these kinds of trips, so whatever went on went on. Not my
>problem. I did speak to Abernathy privately about the bullshit boat when I
>paid him for the free diving floats he got me.
>I did not realize that diving in 80 water with 100 foot vis was going to be
>such a big problem for the big mouthed JT. You wasted my time with that day,
>and all that has come of it is you running your idiot mouth about every
>stupid thing you can think of that you believe will some how bother me, and
>the constant expression of your personal paranoia about everything.
>What bothers me is your attitude about diving ( mr big time deep diver who
>can't pass fundamentals , can't hold a deco stop, does not understand gear,
>deco or diving, and is a complete moron whom Andrew said was one of the
>worst he had ever seen in the water, and I can confirm that myself).
>Anyone with a brain who has read any of what you have graced us all with is
>either laughing in your face or planning on never getting anywhere near you
>again. Count me in for both.
>You are a complete disgrace. I hear you have been challenging newer divers
>up there to go on a wreck dive with you, so you can "smoke their ass". Real
>good thinking, JT. Real tough guy.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Capt JT [mailto:captjt@mi*.co*]
>Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 4:52 PM
>To: girvine@be*.ne*
>Subject: RE: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
>At 07:33 PM 7/26/02 -0400, George Irvine wrote:
> >Jim, real easy - if the boat is live, you don't need jack shit.
> >It is so
> >simple. Off set the boat from the upline, make it releasable, and don't
> >things from it.
>You should have a second boat by doing it this way. I know you and I have
>been discussing this in private about the trip YOU invited VBtech on and
>you have wonderfully done your side step again and put the blame on Dan
>Volker for picking the boat and operator.
>On our dive(that you invited us on) we did a 200ft wreck dive by dive
>bombing it, then a drift deco. There were 15 divers doing the dive,
>everyone had drifted apart and were decoing off liftbags nearly 1.5 miles
>apart. Rick and I were the last to get picked up and for nearly 20 minutes
>could never even see the boat. The bad part was this was a single engine
>boat and shortly after we boarded the boat broke down and we had to be
>towed in. What if it had broken down when we were in the water, what if one
>diver had a problem and needed help, but the boat was at the wrong end of
>that 1.5 miles getting other divers. This was the trip you were to show us
>how you do it. You can check my site for the photos in
>photo gallery" 2000  3/3-5 VBtech meets the WKPP", if your memory is fading
>( I think it is just twisted myself).
>If you are doing drift decos you need a twin engine boat or 2 single engine
>ones, everyone must be on the same dive plan and drifting on a single fixed
>line together if it is a tech dive (rec divers can come straight up and if
>the boat is not broke down can be picked up( still should be a twin engine
>boat for all drift dives). If one dumbass does not come back to that line,
>then several things can go wrong, the hooked not pulled and everyone will
>be hanging in the current or let go and drift apart or the lone guy is
>drifting away or left ect........
>No matter if the dive is drifting or secured to the wreck, the dumbass who
>does not stick to the plan will be the cause of all problems.
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Jim Cobb [mailto:cobber@ci*.co*]
> >Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 5:13 PM
> >To: Joe
> >Cc: Christian Gerzner;
> >Subject: Re: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> >
> >
> >Well guess what Joe, the ML is better equipped and ready to handle
> >emergencies than all the dive boats I have ever been on with the
> >exception of Capt. Leo's boats down there in West Palm. (I liked his
> >idea of a chase boat, he takes *both* of his dive boats out on a tech
> >dive, one acting as chase. But then the wrecks in West Palm are 15
> >minutes away).
> >
> >What boats do you dive off of? Do these boats all deploy their chase
> >boat on every dive? Are all in perfect condition? Is the Capt and crew
> >full time professional salaried employees? When you think about it you
> >really should not dive off of any boat that does not have a helo
> >platform on it. Or for that matter an on-board chamber.
> >
> >Joe, if you dive off of boats without a helopad, an on-board chamber,
> >satellite phone, underwater camera system and physician on board,  then
> >I think you are a deranged lunatic and should not only wake up but also
> >seek medical help. Just where do you draw the line? If you don' t think
> >an dive boat needs any of the above items then please explain why? The
> >commercial divers sure think so, so does the Navy. Why not all divers?
> >Explain that one to me, please.
> >
> >     Jim
> >
> >On Friday, July 26, 2002, at 07:34 PM, Joe wrote:
> >
> > >>>> On the ML the zodiac is on the upper deck with a small boom
> > >>>> winch to deploy/sto the unit. It is rarely used, and you now what
> > >>>> >>>that
> > > means as far at the motor in concerned.
> > >
> > > That's as good as not having one.  You vote with your dollars.  If they
> > > won't deploy a chase boat and they won't live boat it you stay home.
> > >
> > >>>> When JT does a serious dive he makes sure the chase boat is
> > >>>> >>>gassed up
> > > and running before we leave the dock. Then at the site it >>>is deployed
> > > into the water.
> > >
> > > Every dive is a serious dive.
> > >
> > >>>> But if you take it upon yourself to demand that the chase is up and
> > >>>> running and deployed or you won't go out on the dive then either it
> > >>>> will be or you won't dive. It's your ass and your decision.
> > >
> > > There is no decision.  If the dive operator won't do what you want you
> > > find
> > > one that will.  Use your collective buying power and don't buy into the
> > > crap
> > > that it is too difficult to do it your way.  This stuff is real easy if
> > > you
> > > bother to dot the "I"'s and cross the "T"'s.
> > >
> > >>>> For those who don't know it's a real bitch to launch the zodiac on
> > >>>> the ML, and even then it is doubtful the motor will start).
> > >
> > > That is pathetic.  If you had a real in water emergency on that boat by
> > > the
> > > time you could deal with it the victim would most likely be dead.
> > >
> > > Jim, over the years you have been outspoken on these lists.  You have
> > > ruthlessly slammed people for doing stupid things in the hopes that it
> > > will
> > > wake them up and yet you routinely patronize a boat that doesn't
> > > maintain
> > > the equipment necessary to conduct the dives safely.  Do they have life
> > > jackets?  I am amazed that anyone would do this.
> > >
> > >  Well I am doing my good deed for the day.   WAKE UP!!!  This whole
> > > scenario
> > > you describe is an accident waiting to happen.  It seems as though you
> > > guys
> > > are going out of your way to make it dangerous and difficult.
> > >
> > > Regards.
> > >
> > > Joe
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>
> > > To: "Christian Gerzner" <christiang@in*.co*.au*>
> > > Cc: <>
> > > Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 7:01 AM
> > > Subject: Re: VBTech vs. Nova Tech
> > >
> > >
> > >> I suppose that if you are doing a dive where a chase boat is probably
> > >> not going to be needed, then you the diveboat won't deploy the
> > >> chaseboat. On the ML the zodiac is on the upper deck with a small boom
> > >> winch to deploy/sto the unit. It is rarely used, and you now what that
> > >> means as far at the motor in concerned. When JT does a serious dive he
> > >> makes sure the chase boat is gassed up and running before we leave the
> > >> dock. Then at the site it is deployed into the water.
> > >>
> > >> If your argument is that the chase boat should be deployed on each and
> > >> every dive, I agree it would be a better thing. The problem is
> > >> convincing the diver operator to do that on dives you don' t go out on.
> > >> But if you take it upon yourself to demand that the chase is up and
> > >> running and deployed or you won't go out on the dive then either it
> > >> will
> > >> be or you won't dive. It's your ass and your decision.
> > >>
> > >>     Jim
> > >>
> > >> On Friday, July 26, 2002, at 06:21 AM, Christian Gerzner wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> Jim Cobb wrote:
> > >>>>
> > >>>> It truly pains me to see this sort of infighting going on between
> > >>>> friends.
> > >>>
> > >>> I agree.
> > >>>
> > >>>> If you felt that there was a chance things were going to go south on
> > >>>> a,
> > >>>> for chirsts sake, 70' vis Eureka weenie dive, then you should have
> > >>>> had
> > >>>> the goddamn zodiac in the water, gassed up and running before anybody
> > >>>> even jumps in the water.
> > >>>
> > >>> There are, we all know that who have read this and associated threads,
> > >>> a lot of things that could, should, might have been done however the
> > >>> above statement  bears comment.
> > >>>
> > >>>> (For those who don't know it's a real bitch to launch the zodiac on
> > >>>> the ML,
> > >>>>  and even then it is doubtful the motor will start).
> > >>>
> > >>> Really? REALLY?
> > >>>
> > >>> Jim, I don't know what laws apply in your neck of the woods but that,
> > >>> to me, is plain stupid, as in criminally stupid. It's about as useful
> > >>> as not having the bloody thing along at all and it smacks of blatant
> > >>> incompetence on the part of the crew/management, EVEN IF it is NOT an
> > >>> item required by law.
> > >>>
> > >>> 1) You have a safety boat and it works, at best, sometimes?
> > >>>
> > >>> 2) It's difficult to launch?
> > >>>
> > >>> Bluddy hell!!! Are the first time passenger/divers boarding (in this
> > >>> example) the ML going to ask questions along these lines? Is this,
> > >>> should this be, part of "their ass" strategy? Where does it all stop?
> > >>> Should they now inspect the engine room? Ask the Captain for his
> > >>> papers?
> > >>>
> > >>> Or are they entitled to assume that the boat, as well as the crew, is
> > >>> competent? I know, I know, competence is in the eyes of the beholder
> > >>> and I don't even know whether commercial dive boats in your neck of
> > >>> the woods need to be licensed (here in Oz, they certainly do although
> > >>> whether that, in itself, is necessarily a good thing is yet another
> > >>> question).
> > >>>
> > >>> This boat, to my eyes, appears incompetent, according to what you have
> > >>> said above.
> > >>>
> > >>> Cheers,
> > >>>
> > >>> Christian
> > >>
> > >> --
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> > >>
> > >
> >
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