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Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 10:24:16 -0400
From: Al Wells<fossildiver@mi*.co*>
To: Scott Hunsucker <shunsucker@co*.ne*>
Cc: "John S. Galembush" <jgale53@at*.co*>,
     Tech Diver List
Subject: Re: Education Golf Ball Diver

On Wed, 15 May 2002 23:03:27 -0500 Scott Hunsucker <shunsucker@co*.ne*>

>They are making a killing as there is good money in golf ball diving.  I 
>have done it over the summers and pulled $600 a day.  They are right about 
>the viz and they don't mention that most of the water is reclaimed.  

They also don't mention the alligators.
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