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From: Wahoodiver@ao*.co*
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 22:05:29 EST
Subject: Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list
To: captjt@mi*.co*, VBTech@ci*.co*
CC: Wahooorg@ao*.co*,

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

       The book is in the works, but you wont be interested you all ready 
know it all. Again after reading your email, I see your still stupid;
       I have been sharing information with the people that ask. You dont 
have to sit on my lap with an all-day sucker in my mouth? There no room until 
you remove you foot.

       So it appears you dont chose who you dive with if "I have seen divers 
come up pale and shaking, heaven knows what when on down there, they weren't 
talking (then again it's hard to talk with 02 stage regulator in you mouth)." 
So as I see it your just repeating what other people tell you about incidents 
and not a real eye wittness. Just repeat what said and alter the information 
to your needs.
       I dont have to step up to  the bar I was on the bar when you walked 
in, your the one wanting to be noticed along with the idiot JT. 
       I dont allways read this list nor have a read about your "cluster 
fucks"  If you dive you may have a story about something that happened good 
or bad, Gary may have told about his cluster fucks I havent read them. Good 
for Gary.

       We have web sites for different reasons, mine is to make my dive 
schedule availible and talk about Wahoo and all the information I want. I 
have written and bring notice to people or anything I dont like or other 
divers would be interested in, like lying in a book, endangering other divers 
to name a couple. I also have many diving web sites listed, including yours, 
If you open your eyes you would have seen your site address in my drop down 
box, because your to stupid to  find you link I added your NAME to it,  
"Cobb's Trimix pages". Insead of "TriMix pages"  your site is interesting and 
I have had a link listed since you started. Your site is a good collection of 
other people work and informative, do you write anything yourself?

       How do you kno how many I dives I have, I havent told you or anyone 
and  I'm not interested in publishing a Trimix site, I dont have the time or 
interest.  yes I started diving trimix before you started diving, but thats 
nothing I did a lot of diving before you came of age. 
       Again, your to young and stupid to realize you have contribuitions 
from me, Michael Munduno AquaCorp publishing incident pages was brough about 
my me telling Mike of all the incidents happening and divers needed to know. 
When Mike started AquaCorp he could just about get into a wet suit, he had a 
great idea with no experience or background in diving just the want to write 
about it. 

captain steve bielenda

> Subj:Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list 
> Date:2/24/2002 7:39:25 AM Eastern Standard Time

Cobb writes------------------------
All I can say Capt. Steve is when are you going to write that book? 
Bragging that you have more dives than us pathetic, non-diving 
wippersnappers means squat to me. If you are so god-dammed 
knowledgeable about diving then when are you going to share the 
wealth? What do I have to do, go up there and sit on your knee with an 
all-day sucker in my mouth?

Personally I've not been on a dive where there was anything more than 
a dinged shin. I have seen divers come up pale and shaking, heaven 
knows what when on down there, they weren't talking (then again it's 
hard to talk with 02 stage regulator in you mouth).

I have fessed up to several stupid thing's I've done (don't you read 
the lists?) in hopes that other divers could avoid it. Gary Gentile 
has ponied up and told of several of his clusterfucks (usually due to 
that old-timey bullshit gear you North Easters cling to like baby 

Step up to the bar, Capt. Steve, extol us with your exploits, and 
educate us with your massive databank of knowledge. I checked your web 
site and the only thing on it is dive schedules and page after page of 
bullshit dedicated to the various wars you have going on up there with 
various people. How about putting some real info on your web site? 
Hell you don?t even have a link to my Trimix site, doing that alone 
would be a huge improvement in information transfer. 

Come to think of it, how come you did not do a trimix site? Why did I 
have to do it? After all you have more dives than me, JT and God. You 
were in the middle of the genesis of using Helium, but I got no 
contributions from you, nothing at all. You talk the talk, Capt. 
Steve, do you walk the walk?


On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 23:32:23 EST
  Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:
>How come farm dumb animals like you and Jt think the world began when 
>were born. I though than only Jt was this stupid but after reading 
>your post 
>your real ass hole buddies. You and jerk woke up one day and seen the 
>Sun and 
>though you discovered it, nobody knew it was there before you guys 
>told us.
>The "code of silence" works for you and Jt's buddies Dan Crowell his 
>predecessor Bill Nagel and the third jerk Howard Klein they own the 
>"code of 
>silence." One better they  not only lie about what happened they 
>to them. 5 deaths all heart attacks looks a little flukie to me, well 
>one was 
>no heart attack his was a drowning. OP's he lied about being a 
>divers, nobody 
>noticed he couldnt even walk straight but he had the money to make 
>the trip 
>  The problem with you and the jerk is you dont listen or read what's 
>are you dyslexic? You and jerk change everything to meet what you 
>want it to 
>say. It great to talk about what happened but Jt contributes to the 
>he writes about and boast he a hero. 
>>>" His goal (and mine) are to shine the 
>light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can 
>live and learn from them" <<< 
>Like the firebug calling the fire department after setting the fire 
>and help 
>save the people in the burning building. wake up.
>The key words in your statment "live and learn"  You guys write a web 
>and do some diving and want the world to think you somebody. 
>Statement like 
>the following  will help you get known;  Jt bragged about "being 
>around more 
>deaths in his short career than anyone one else." I can see why 
>divers give 
>Jt a wide berth.
>You mentioned spelling and grammar a while back check your own 
>emails, "brain 
>or brian" for starters.
>I don't dive a lot these days, but I can brag I'm 66 and still dive. 
>You and 
>the jerk have to make it here and from what I read, I'll probably go 
>to your 
>captain steve bielenda
>In a message dated 2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>cobber@ci*.co* writes:

>> Subj:Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list 
>> Date:2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time
>> From:>>HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*">
>> Reply-to:>>HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*">
>> To:>>HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*">
>> CC:<A HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A>, 
>><A HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"></A>, 
>><A HREF="mailto:trey@ne*.co*"></A>
>> Sent from the Internet 
>> Well, this is a classic "my dick is bigger than yours" 
>> contest. Such an honor to be involved.
>> Steve, while your dick may be bigger and saltier than JT's 
>> , I think JT's still beats you in size in the balls 
>> department. He is the first capt & dive leader who has 
>> fessed up to accidents and stupidity for the good of the 
>> sport as a whole. His goal (and mine) are to shine the 
>> light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can 
>> live and learn from them.
>> You and your gang up there still uphold the "code of 
>> silence" concerning the no doubt hundreds of incidents and 
>> stupidity you have been involved with over your long 
>> diving & capt. carreer. Shit happens, do doubt, but the 
>> real crime is hiding this shit from the community.
>> Don't bullshit me now, Steve, tell the truth. I will bet 
>> you could write a  3inch thick book about crazy bullshit 
>> you've seen and done on that boat of yours that would 
>> scare the paint off a wall.
>> Personally I think this code of silence is a bunch of 
>> crap. This sport is supposed to be fun and yes it is 
>> dangerous but to cover up every single diving death with 
>> "he had a heart attack" is laughable. And to sweep the 
>> near-deaths under the carpet is doing a disservice to the 
>> sport. Any body who does this is an dumb asshole.
>> You need to write that book, Steve, then you will have to 
>> move from the NE and retire in Florida because, as I've 
>> learned over the years, that can be a rather spiteful 
>> crowd up there. But you would sell one hell  of a lot of 
>> books.
>>     Jim
>> On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:46:17 EST
>>   Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:
>> >I'm shaking. Don't you realize your nobody. 
>> >Captain Steve Bielenda       
>> >As I said before, your a wannabe (slang for want to be) 
>> >read your own 
>> >statement, Capt JT says; "I guess that dumb ass doesn't 
>> >know I run a Tug and 
>> >I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time this 
>> >summer," Wow a whole 
>> >years experience you must know everything by now.
>> >
>> >        Do you bother to read your own stories after you 
>> >write them? You 
>> >should there funny, each paragraph you write contradicts 
>> >the last. Then 
>> >because there nobody to pat you on the back when you 
>> >return from a cluster 
>> >fuck you do it your self and then apologize for your ego 
>> >getting away from 
>> >you. Shame on you little boy maybe if your lucky you'll 
>> >grow up to be a man 
>> >someday.
>> >        There so much back slapping by your self there 
>> >would be no room for 
>> >anyone else if you did something worthy. I read you 
>> >complain about losing 
>> >control of your ego. Wow again you write every dumb 
>> >things you do is 
>> >unbelievable and explain them away by saying "I got the 
>> >job done"  This is 
>> >Farm Dumb Animal diving, after reading your Doria dives 
>> >in 2001, you were 
>> >bent and wouldn't admit it, made multiple mistakes in 
>> >diving and judgment 
>> >showing sign of decompression sickness then making a 
>> >working bounce dive 
>> >after multiple days deep diving to free the mooring with 
>> >a total dive time 
>> >including deco of 20 minutes. Wow again,  FDA doesn't say 
>> >enough your plain 
>> >stupid. 
>> >
>> >captain steve bielenda
>> >
>> >In a message dated 2/13/2002 8:04:37 PM Eastern Standard 
>> >Time, 
>> >captjt@mi*.co* writes:
>> >
>> >
>> >> Hey guys, look what someone just FWD me, looks like that 
>> >>moron Capt. Steve 
>> >> has his own list. Read it below, I guess that dumb ass 
>> >>doesn't know I run a 
>> >> 
>> >> Tug and I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time 
>> >>this summer, gee I 
>> >> 
>> >> thought that WAS operating a boat. Hell somebody FWD 
>> >>this over to the 
>> >> WAHOO-FORUM list that should shake him up......
>> >> 
>> >

In a message dated 2/25/2002 2:35:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
captjt@mi*.co* writes:

> Subj:Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list 
> Date:2/25/2002 2:35:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From:<A HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A>
> To:<A HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*"></A>
> CC:<A HREF="mailto:Wahooorg@ao*.co*"></A>, <A
> Sent from the Internet 
> Steve , I finally figured out what your problem is, your so short your nose 
> is at the level of every ones asshole. After all the years of smelling 
> other peoples shit, that's why you always have a bad attitude and now have 
> shit for brains....... That's why when G is talking about farm animals , 
> its you he's thinking about. Give it a rest Steve, you have nothing to gain 
> from posting this crap.
> Here a couple of G's favorite lines about you.
> At 05:50 AM 2/16/02 -0500, you wrote:
> JT, you should have seen me laugh when he told me, "you really need to take 
> a look at Maffatone's rig".
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Capt JT [<A
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 8:33 PM 
> To: trey@ne*.co* 
> Subject: RE: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list
> That guy has got to be the biggest dumb ass on this list. 
> At 06:16 AM 2/15/02 -0500, you wrote: 
> JT, these guys are all dinosaurs. It is pretty funny that they are all 
> after each other now. 
>  At 11:32 PM 2/23/02 -0500, Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:
> >> How come farm dumb animals like you and Jt think the world began when you 
>> were born. I though than only Jt was this stupid but after reading your 
>> post your real ass hole buddies. You and jerk woke up one day and seen the 
>> Sun and though you discovered it, nobody knew it was there before you guys 
>> told us.
>> The "code of silence" works for you and Jt's buddies Dan Crowell his 
>> predecessor Bill Nagel and the third jerk Howard Klein they own the "code 
>> of silence." One better they  not only lie about what happened they 
>> contributed to them. 5 deaths all heart attacks looks a little flukie to 
>> me, well one was no heart attack his was a drowning. OP's he lied about 
>> being a divers, nobody noticed he couldnt even walk straight but he had 
>> the money to make the trip go.
>> The problem with you and the jerk is you dont listen or read what's 
>> written, are you dyslexic? You and jerk change everything to meet what you 
>> want it to say. It great to talk about what happened but Jt contributes to 
>> the accidents he writes about and boast he a hero. 
>> >>" His goal (and mine) are to shine the 
>> light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can 
>> live and learn from them" <<< 
>> Like the firebug calling the fire department after setting the fire and 
>> help save the people in the burning building. wake up.
>> The key words in your statment "live and learn"  You guys write a web page 
>> and do some diving and want the world to think you somebody. Statement 
>> like the following  will help you get known;  Jt bragged about "being 
>> around more deaths in his short career than anyone one else." I can see 
>> why divers give Jt a wide berth.
>> You mentioned spelling and grammar a while back check your own emails, 
>> "brain or brian" for starters.
>> I don't dive a lot these days, but I can brag I'm 66 and still dive. You 
>> and the jerk have to make it here and from what I read, I'll probably go 
>> to your wakes.
>> captain steve bielenda
>> In a message dated 2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>> cobber@ci*.co* writes:
>> >>> Subj:Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list 
>>> Date:2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time
>>> From:<A HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"></A>
>>> Reply-to:<A HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*"></A>
>>> To:<A HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*"></A>
>>> CC:<A HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A>, <A
HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"></A>, <A
>>> Sent from the Internet 
>>> Well, this is a classic "my dick is bigger than yours" 
>>> contest. Such an honor to be involved.
>>> Steve, while your dick may be bigger and saltier than JT's 
>>> , I think JT's still beats you in size in the balls 
>>> department. He is the first capt & dive leader who has 
>>> fessed up to accidents and stupidity for the good of the 
>>> sport as a whole. His goal (and mine) are to shine the 
>>> light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can 
>>> live and learn from them.
>>> You and your gang up there still uphold the "code of 
>>> silence" concerning the no doubt hundreds of incidents and 
>>> stupidity you have been involved with over your long 
>>> diving & capt. carreer. Shit happens, do doubt, but the 
>>> real crime is hiding this shit from the community.
>>> Don't bullshit me now, Steve, tell the truth. I will bet 
>>> you could write a  3inch thick book about crazy bullshit 
>>> you've seen and done on that boat of yours that would 
>>> scare the paint off a wall.
>>> Personally I think this code of silence is a bunch of 
>>> crap. This sport is supposed to be fun and yes it is 
>>> dangerous but to cover up every single diving death with 
>>> "he had a heart attack" is laughable. And to sweep the 
>>> near-deaths under the carpet is doing a disservice to the 
>>> sport. Any body who does this is an dumb asshole.
>>> You need to write that book, Steve, then you will have to 
>>> move from the NE and retire in Florida because, as I've 
>>> learned over the years, that can be a rather spiteful 
>>> crowd up there. But you would sell one hell  of a lot of 
>>> books.
>>>     Jim
>>> On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:46:17 EST
>>>   Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:
>>> >I'm shaking. Don't you realize your nobody. 
>>> >Captain Steve Bielenda       
>>> >As I said before, your a wannabe (slang for want to be) 
>>> >read your own 
>>> >statement, Capt JT says; "I guess that dumb ass doesn't 
>>> >know I run a Tug and 
>>> >I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time this 
>>> >summer," Wow a whole 
>>> >years experience you must know everything by now.
>>> >
>>> >        Do you bother to read your own stories after you 
>>> >write them? You 
>>> >should there funny, each paragraph you write contradicts 
>>> >the last. Then 
>>> >because there nobody to pat you on the back when you 
>>> >return from a cluster 
>>> >fuck you do it your self and then apologize for your ego 
>>> >getting away from 
>>> >you. Shame on you little boy maybe if your lucky you'll 
>>> >grow up to be a man 
>>> >someday.
>>> >        There so much back slapping by your self there 
>>> >would be no room for 
>>> >anyone else if you did something worthy. I read you 
>>> >complain about losing 
>>> >control of your ego. Wow again you write every dumb 
>>> >things you do is 
>>> >unbelievable and explain them away by saying "I got the 
>>> >job done"  This is 
>>> >Farm Dumb Animal diving, after reading your Doria dives 
>>> >in 2001, you were 
>>> >bent and wouldn't admit it, made multiple mistakes in 
>>> >diving and judgment 
>>> >showing sign of decompression sickness then making a 
>>> >working bounce dive 
>>> >after multiple days deep diving to free the mooring with 
>>> >a total dive time 
>>> >including deco of 20 minutes. Wow again,  FDA doesn't say 
>>> >enough your plain 
>>> >stupid. 
>>> >
>>> >captain steve bielenda
>>> >
>>> >In a message dated 2/13/2002 8:04:37 PM Eastern Standard 
>>> >Time, 
>>> >captjt@mi*.co* writes:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> Hey guys, look what someone just FWD me, looks like that 
>>> >>moron Capt. Steve 
>>> >> has his own list. Read it below, I guess that dumb ass 
>>> >>doesn't know I run a 
>>> >> 
>>> >> Tug and I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time 
>>> >>this summer, gee I 
>>> >> 
>>> >> thought that WAS operating a boat. Hell somebody FWD 
>>> >>this over to the 
>>> >> WAHOO-FORUM list that should shake him up......
>>> >> 
>>> >
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FACE="Arial" LANG="0">       JT<BR>
       The book is in the works, but you wont be
interested you all ready know it all. Again after reading your email, I see
your still stupid;<BR>
       I have been sharing information with the
people that ask. You dont have to sit on my lap with an all-day sucker in my
mouth? There no room until you remove you foot.<BR>
       So it appears you dont chose who you dive
with if </FONT><FONT  COLOR="#0080ff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"
SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">"I have seen divers come up
pale and shaking, heaven knows what when on down there, they weren't talking
(then again it's hard to talk with 02 stage regulator in you mouth)."
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2
FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">So as I see it your just repeating
what other people tell you about incidents and not a real eye wittness. Just
repeat what said and alter the information to your needs.<BR>
       I dont have to step up to  the bar I
was on the bar when you walked in, your the one wanting to be noticed along
with the idiot JT. <BR>
       I dont allways read this list nor have a
read about your "cluster fucks"  If you dive you may have a story about
something that happened good or bad, Gary may have told about his cluster fucks
I havent read them. Good for Gary.<BR>
       We have web sites for different reasons,
mine is to make my dive schedule availible and talk about Wahoo and all the
information I want. I have written and bring notice to people or anything I
dont like or other divers would be interested in, like lying in a book,
endangering other divers to name a couple. I also have many diving web sites
listed, including yours, If you open your eyes you would have seen your site
address in my drop down box, because your to stupid to  find you link I
added your NAME to it,  "Cobb's Trimix pages". Insead of "TriMix
pages"  your site is interesting and I have had a link listed since you
started. Your site is a good collection of other people work and informative,
do you write anything yourself?<BR>
       How do you kno how many I dives I have, I
havent told you or anyone and  I'm not interested in publishing a Trimix
site, I dont have the time or interest.  yes I started diving trimix
before you started diving, but thats nothing I did a lot of diving before you
came of age. <BR>
       Again, your to young and stupid to realize
you have contribuitions from me, Michael Munduno AquaCorp publishing incident
pages was brough about my me telling Mike of all the incidents happening and
divers needed to know. When Mike started AquaCorp he could just about get into
a wet suit, he had a great idea with no experience or background in diving just
the want to write about it. <BR>
captain steve bielenda<BR>
5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Subj:<B>Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re:
techdiver list </B><BR>
Date:2/24/2002 7:39:25 AM Eastern Standard Time<BR>
Cobb writes------------------------<BR>
All I can say Capt. Steve is when are you going to write that book? <BR>
Bragging that you have more dives than us pathetic, non-diving <BR>
wippersnappers means squat to me. If you are so god-dammed <BR>
knowledgeable about diving then when are you going to share the <BR>
wealth? What do I have to do, go up there and sit on your knee with an <BR>
all-day sucker in my mouth?<BR>
Personally I've not been on a dive where there was anything more than <BR>
a dinged shin. I have seen divers come up pale and shaking, heaven <BR>
knows what when on down there, they weren't talking (then again it's <BR>
hard to talk with 02 stage regulator in you mouth).<BR>
I have fessed up to several stupid thing's I've done (don't you read <BR>
the lists?) in hopes that other divers could avoid it. Gary Gentile <BR>
has ponied up and told of several of his clusterfucks (usually due to <BR>
that old-timey bullshit gear you North Easters cling to like baby <BR>
Step up to the bar, Capt. Steve, extol us with your exploits, and <BR>
educate us with your massive databank of knowledge. I checked your web <BR>
site and the only thing on it is dive schedules and page after page of <BR>
bullshit dedicated to the various wars you have going on up there with <BR>
various people. How about putting some real info on your web site? <BR>
Hell you don?t even have a link to my Trimix site, doing that alone <BR>
would be a huge improvement in information transfer. <BR>
Come to think of it, how come you did not do a trimix site? Why did I <BR>
have to do it? After all you have more dives than me, JT and God. You <BR>
were in the middle of the genesis of using Helium, but I got no <BR>
contributions from you, nothing at all. You talk the talk, Capt. <BR>
Steve, do you walk the walk?<BR>
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 23:32:23 EST<BR>
  Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:<BR>
>How come farm dumb animals like you and Jt think the world began when
>you <BR>
>were born. I though than only Jt was this stupid but after reading <BR>
>your post <BR>
>your real ass hole buddies. You and jerk woke up one day and seen the
>Sun and <BR>
>though you discovered it, nobody knew it was there before you guys <BR>
>told us.<BR>
>The "code of silence" works for you and Jt's buddies Dan Crowell his <BR>
>predecessor Bill Nagel and the third jerk Howard Klein they own the <BR>
>"code of <BR>
>silence." One better they  not only lie about what happened they
>contributed <BR>
>to them. 5 deaths all heart attacks looks a little flukie to me, well
>one was <BR>
>no heart attack his was a drowning. OP's he lied about being a <BR>
>divers, nobody <BR>
>noticed he couldnt even walk straight but he had the money to make <BR>
>the trip <BR>
>  The problem with you and the jerk is you dont listen or read what's
>written, <BR>
>are you dyslexic? You and jerk change everything to meet what you <BR>
>want it to <BR>
>say. It great to talk about what happened but Jt contributes to the <BR>
>accidents <BR>
>he writes about and boast he a hero. <BR>
>>>" His goal (and mine) are to shine the <BR>
>light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can <BR>
>live and learn from them" <<< <BR>
>Like the firebug calling the fire department after setting the fire <BR>
>and help <BR>
>save the people in the burning building. wake up.<BR>
>The key words in your statment "live and learn"  You guys write a web
>page <BR>
>and do some diving and want the world to think you somebody. <BR>
>Statement like <BR>
>the following  will help you get known;  Jt bragged about "being
>around more <BR>
>deaths in his short career than anyone one else." I can see why <BR>
>divers give <BR>
>Jt a wide berth.<BR>
>You mentioned spelling and grammar a while back check your own <BR>
>emails, "brain <BR>
>or brian" for starters.<BR>
>I don't dive a lot these days, but I can brag I'm 66 and still dive. <BR>
>You and <BR>
>the jerk have to make it here and from what I read, I'll probably go <BR>
>to your <BR>
>captain steve bielenda<BR>
>In a message dated 2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, <BR>
>cobber@ci*.co* writes:<BR>
>> Subj:Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list <BR>
>> Date:2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time<BR>
>> CC:<A HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A>,
>><A HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"></A>,
>><A HREF="mailto:trey@ne*.co*"></A><BR>
>> Sent from the Internet <BR>
>> <BR>
>> <BR>
>> <BR>
>> Well, this is a classic "my dick is bigger than yours" <BR>
>> contest. Such an honor to be involved.<BR>
>> <BR>
>> Steve, while your dick may be bigger and saltier than JT's <BR>
>> , I think JT's still beats you in size in the balls <BR>
>> department. He is the first capt & dive leader who has <BR>
>> fessed up to accidents and stupidity for the good of the <BR>
>> sport as a whole. His goal (and mine) are to shine the <BR>
>> light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can <BR>
>> live and learn from them.<BR>
>> <BR>
>> You and your gang up there still uphold the "code of <BR>
>> silence" concerning the no doubt hundreds of incidents and <BR>
>> stupidity you have been involved with over your long <BR>
>> diving & capt. carreer. Shit happens, do doubt, but the <BR>
>> real crime is hiding this shit from the community.<BR>
>> <BR>
>> Don't bullshit me now, Steve, tell the truth. I will bet <BR>
>> you could write a  3inch thick book about crazy bullshit <BR>
>> you've seen and done on that boat of yours that would <BR>
>> scare the paint off a wall.<BR>
>> <BR>
>> Personally I think this code of silence is a bunch of <BR>
>> crap. This sport is supposed to be fun and yes it is <BR>
>> dangerous but to cover up every single diving death with <BR>
>> "he had a heart attack" is laughable. And to sweep the <BR>
>> near-deaths under the carpet is doing a disservice to the <BR>
>> sport. Any body who does this is an dumb asshole.<BR>
>> <BR>
>> You need to write that book, Steve, then you will have to <BR>
>> move from the NE and retire in Florida because, as I've <BR>
>> learned over the years, that can be a rather spiteful <BR>
>> crowd up there. But you would sell one hell  of a lot of <BR>
>> books.<BR>
>> <BR>
>>     Jim<BR>
>> <BR>
>> On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:46:17 EST<BR>
>>   Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:<BR>
>> >I'm shaking. Don't you realize your nobody. <BR>
>> >Captain Steve Bielenda       <BR>
>> >As I said before, your a wannabe (slang for want to be) <BR>
>> >read your own <BR>
>> >statement, Capt JT says; "I guess that dumb ass doesn't <BR>
>> >know I run a Tug and <BR>
>> >I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time this <BR>
>> >summer," Wow a whole <BR>
>> >years experience you must know everything by now.<BR>
>> ><BR>
>> >        Do you bother to read
your own stories after you <BR>
>> >write them? You <BR>
>> >should there funny, each paragraph you write contradicts <BR>
>> >the last. Then <BR>
>> >because there nobody to pat you on the back when you <BR>
>> >return from a cluster <BR>
>> >fuck you do it your self and then apologize for your ego <BR>
>> >getting away from <BR>
>> >you. Shame on you little boy maybe if your lucky you'll <BR>
>> >grow up to be a man <BR>
>> >someday.<BR>
>> >        There so much back
slapping by your self there <BR>
>> >would be no room for <BR>
>> >anyone else if you did something worthy. I read you <BR>
>> >complain about losing <BR>
>> >control of your ego. Wow again you write every dumb <BR>
>> >things you do is <BR>
>> >unbelievable and explain them away by saying "I got the <BR>
>> >job done"  This is <BR>
>> >Farm Dumb Animal diving, after reading your Doria dives <BR>
>> >in 2001, you were <BR>
>> >bent and wouldn't admit it, made multiple mistakes in <BR>
>> >diving and judgment <BR>
>> >showing sign of decompression sickness then making a <BR>
>> >working bounce dive <BR>
>> >after multiple days deep diving to free the mooring with <BR>
>> >a total dive time <BR>
>> >including deco of 20 minutes. Wow again,  FDA doesn't say
>> >enough your plain <BR>
>> >stupid. <BR>
>> ><BR>
>> >captain steve bielenda<BR>
>> ><BR>
>> >In a message dated 2/13/2002 8:04:37 PM Eastern Standard <BR>
>> >Time, <BR>
>> >captjt@mi*.co* writes:<BR>
>> ><BR>
>> ><BR>
>> >> Hey guys, look what someone just FWD me, looks like that
>> >>moron Capt. Steve <BR>
>> >> has his own list. Read it below, I guess that dumb ass <BR>
>> >>doesn't know I run a <BR>
>> >> <BR>
>> >> Tug and I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time
>> >>this summer, gee I <BR>
>> >> <BR>
>> >> thought that WAS operating a boat. Hell somebody FWD <BR>
>> >>this over to the <BR>
>> >> WAHOO-FORUM list that should shake him up......<BR>
>> >> <BR>
>> ><BR>
>> <BR>
In a message dated 2/25/2002 2:35:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, captjt@mi*.co*
5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Subj:<B>Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re:
techdiver list </B><BR>
Date:2/25/2002 2:35:31 PM Eastern Standard Time<BR>
From:<A HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A><BR>
To:<A HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*"></A><BR>
CC:<A HREF="mailto:Wahooorg@ao*.co*"></A>, <A
<I>Sent from the Internet </I><BR>
Steve , I finally figured out what your problem is, your so short your nose is
at the level of every ones asshole. After all the years of smelling other
peoples shit, that's why you always have a bad attitude and now have shit for
brains....... That's why when G is talking about farm animals , its you he's
thinking about. Give it a rest Steve, you have nothing to gain from posting
this crap.<BR>
Here a couple of G's favorite lines about you.<BR>
At 05:50 AM 2/16/02 -0500, you wrote:<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#0000ff" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2
FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="arial" LANG="0">JT, you should have seen me laugh when
he told me, "you really need to take a look at Maffatone's rig".<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2
FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="arial" LANG="0">-----Original Message----- <BR>
From: Capt JT [<A
HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A>] <BR>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 8:33 PM <BR>
To: trey@ne*.co* <BR>
Subject: RE: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re: techdiver list<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2
FAMILY="SERIF" FACE="Times New Roman" LANG="0">That guy has got to be the
biggest dumb ass on this list. <BR>
At 06:16 AM 2/15/02 -0500, you wrote:</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#0000ff"
LANG="0"> <BR>
JT, these guys are all dinosaurs. It is pretty funny that they are all after
each other now.</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR:
#ffffff" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="arial" LANG="0"> <BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3
 At 11:32 PM 2/23/02 -0500, Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#000000" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2
style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px;
PADDING-LEFT: 5px">How come farm dumb animals like you and Jt think the world
began when you were born. I though than only Jt was this stupid but after
reading your post your real ass hole buddies. You and jerk woke up one day and
seen the Sun and though you discovered it, nobody knew it was there before you
guys told us.<BR>
The "code of silence" works for you and Jt's buddies Dan Crowell his
predecessor Bill Nagel and the third jerk Howard Klein they own the "code of
silence." One better they  not only lie about what happened they
contributed to them. 5 deaths all heart attacks looks a little flukie to me,
well one was no heart attack his was a drowning. OP's he lied about being a
divers, nobody noticed he couldnt even walk straight but he had the money to
make the trip go.<BR>
The problem with you and the jerk is you dont listen or read what's written,
are you dyslexic? You and jerk change everything to meet what you want it to
say. It great to talk about what happened but Jt contributes to the accidents
he writes about and boast he a hero. <BR>
>>" His goal (and mine) are to shine the <BR>
light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can <BR>
live and learn from them" <<< <BR>
Like the firebug calling the fire department after setting the fire and help
save the people in the burning building. wake up.<BR>
The key words in your statment "live and learn"  You guys write a web page
and do some diving and want the world to think you somebody. Statement like the
following  will help you get known;  Jt bragged about "being around
more deaths in his short career than anyone one else." I can see why divers
give Jt a wide berth.<BR>
You mentioned spelling and grammar a while back check your own emails, "brain
or brian" for starters.<BR>
I don't dive a lot these days, but I can brag I'm 66 and still dive. You and
the jerk have to make it here and from what I read, I'll probably go to your
captain steve bielenda<BR>
In a message dated 2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, cobber@ci*.co*
5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Subj:<B>Re: Fw: [WAHOO-FORUM] Re:
techdiver list </B><BR>
Date:2/15/2002 9:19:07 AM Eastern Standard Time<BR>
From:<A HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"></A><BR>
Reply-to:<A HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*"></A><BR>
To:<A HREF="mailto:VBTech@ci*.co*"></A><BR>
CC:<A HREF="mailto:captjt@mi*.co*"></A>, <A
HREF="mailto:cobber@ci*.co*"></A>, <A
<I>Sent from the Internet </I><BR>
Well, this is a classic "my dick is bigger than yours" <BR>
contest. Such an honor to be involved.<BR>
Steve, while your dick may be bigger and saltier than JT's <BR>
, I think JT's still beats you in size in the balls <BR>
department. He is the first capt & dive leader who has <BR>
fessed up to accidents and stupidity for the good of the <BR>
sport as a whole. His goal (and mine) are to shine the <BR>
light on "dive incidents" so techdivers as a whole can <BR>
live and learn from them.<BR>
You and your gang up there still uphold the "code of <BR>
silence" concerning the no doubt hundreds of incidents and <BR>
stupidity you have been involved with over your long <BR>
diving & capt. carreer. Shit happens, do doubt, but the <BR>
real crime is hiding this shit from the community.<BR>
Don't bullshit me now, Steve, tell the truth. I will bet <BR>
you could write a  3inch thick book about crazy bullshit <BR>
you've seen and done on that boat of yours that would <BR>
scare the paint off a wall.<BR>
Personally I think this code of silence is a bunch of <BR>
crap. This sport is supposed to be fun and yes it is <BR>
dangerous but to cover up every single diving death with <BR>
"he had a heart attack" is laughable. And to sweep the <BR>
near-deaths under the carpet is doing a disservice to the <BR>
sport. Any body who does this is an dumb asshole.<BR>
You need to write that book, Steve, then you will have to <BR>
move from the NE and retire in Florida because, as I've <BR>
learned over the years, that can be a rather spiteful <BR>
crowd up there. But you would sell one hell  of a lot of <BR>
On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:46:17 EST<BR>
  Wahooorg@ao*.co* wrote:<BR>
>I'm shaking. Don't you realize your nobody. <BR>
>Captain Steve Bielenda       <BR>
>As I said before, your a wannabe (slang for want to be) <BR>
>read your own <BR>
>statement, Capt JT says; "I guess that dumb ass doesn't <BR>
>know I run a Tug and <BR>
>I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time this <BR>
>summer," Wow a whole <BR>
>years experience you must know everything by now.<BR>
>        Do you bother to read your own
stories after you <BR>
>write them? You <BR>
>should there funny, each paragraph you write contradicts <BR>
>the last. Then <BR>
>because there nobody to pat you on the back when you <BR>
>return from a cluster <BR>
>fuck you do it your self and then apologize for your ego <BR>
>getting away from <BR>
>you. Shame on you little boy maybe if your lucky you'll <BR>
>grow up to be a man <BR>
>        There so much back slapping by
your self there <BR>
>would be no room for <BR>
>anyone else if you did something worthy. I read you <BR>
>complain about losing <BR>
>control of your ego. Wow again you write every dumb <BR>
>things you do is <BR>
>unbelievable and explain them away by saying "I got the <BR>
>job done"  This is <BR>
>Farm Dumb Animal diving, after reading your Doria dives <BR>
>in 2001, you were <BR>
>bent and wouldn't admit it, made multiple mistakes in <BR>
>diving and judgment <BR>
>showing sign of decompression sickness then making a <BR>
>working bounce dive <BR>
>after multiple days deep diving to free the mooring with <BR>
>a total dive time <BR>
>including deco of 20 minutes. Wow again,  FDA doesn't say <BR>
>enough your plain <BR>
>stupid. <BR>
>captain steve bielenda<BR>
>In a message dated 2/13/2002 8:04:37 PM Eastern Standard <BR>
>Time, <BR>
>captjt@mi*.co* writes:<BR>
>> Hey guys, look what someone just FWD me, looks like that <BR>
>>moron Capt. Steve <BR>
>> has his own list. Read it below, I guess that dumb ass <BR>
>>doesn't know I run a <BR>
>> <BR>
>> Tug and I ran the Miss Lindsey and Miss Lauren full time <BR>
>>this summer, gee I <BR>
>> <BR>
>> thought that WAS operating a boat. Hell somebody FWD <BR>
>>this over to the <BR>
>> WAHOO-FORUM list that should shake him up......<BR>
>> <BR>
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