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From: "George Irvine" <girvine@be*.ne*>
To: "Erik" <sumpcaver@wo*.at*.ne*>, <>
Subject: RE: DIR and Solo Diving and vehicles
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 07:27:24 -0500
Seriously, white is necessary, but I have windows ( JJ and the others do
not) because I am paranoid about hitting somebody on the right side if I can
not see them . Left side is easy since the mirror is so close to your eyes.

I have the entire back past the side doors encased in a cage with wire on
the windows. I have an on/off switch for the power lock on the back doors so
that breaking into the front will not allow opening the back doors.

I have nothing on the van that would indicate that I dive, so that reduces
the temptation. In N. Florida, the cave diving scumbags will steal your
gear. In Ft Lauderdale, it is the usual suspects who don't know what dive
gear is.

I also leave the van dirty so it looks less like there is anything valuable
in it.

When I get a new one, I will get one that has the same kind of system as my
vette, which is unstealable other than with a giant forklift and a flatbed
truck, and is then unusable if it is stolen.

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik [mailto:sumpcaver@wo*.at*.ne*]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:30 PM
Subject: DIR and Solo Diving and vehicles

Mr Graham wrote:

> tomorrow they can come up with a standard for what vehicle needs to be
> driven.

A white van, no windows (except for the cab of course)and barn doors. That
is standard. :~)

Personally, I would like a 3/4 ton 4WD Ford van for  getting up in the
mountains with all my stuff.


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