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From: "John M. Nichols" <john_m__nichols@ho*.co*>
To: cavers@aq*.co*,
Subject: Brazilian cave dive law ( Guys,look at this joke)
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 05:05:04 +0000

Hi everybody, My name�s John and I live in Pasadena-CA. I�ve been doing 
scuba diving ( and cave diving ) for long time and I have some Brazilian�s 
friends that live near my area and dive with me.
Yesterday I heard something that for me is a joke, but it�s not. One of the 
Brazilian friend sign a Brazilian�s cave dive list, and he said me that now 
they�re having a discussion with authorities of Brazilian Cave dive section 
about �why� the necessity of a cave diver guide for certified cave divers
dive in their caves (in all caves of the country).
I couldn�t understand well, but there are some guys complaining and wanting 
explanations about the cave law (from Brazilian environmental agency)that 
don�t allow anybody in Brazil dive in their caves without a cave diver 
guide. The law prohibit not only divers, which don�t have cave 
certification, dive in the lake of the cave ( if you wanna dive in the lake, 
you should have a guide to dive with you), but also prohibit divers that 
have cave certification (cavern, intro to cave and cave diver(include 
experienced cave divers)) make their penetration in the cave without these 
guides, and I�m not saying about solo dives, the law don�t allow buddy
without the guide.
My Brazilian friend couldn�t explain me what is the paper of this cave diver 
My Brazilian�s friends and I concluded  that cave divers from Brazil are 
such a incompetent, bad, and moron divers that they can�t dive by themselves 
and need a �baby-sitter� to guide them inside a cave.
Imagine the situation, four guys ( include the baby-sitter) diving in a cave 
hand in hand like kids in a elementary school (Oh, man!!!). Or in a worst 
case, imagine if the law is here in U.S. Trey and J.J attempting other world 
record in cave penetration, but at this time having a high fat slob cave 
diver guide following them till the end of the cable (If it were possible), 
just because a stupid law demand that they should have one.
Trey, I know that they have lots of IANTD stroke divers there ( I remember 
some discussion that you had with them long time ago when a diver died 
attempting deep air in a cave), but are there any GUE cave divers ? If not, 
I think that you and J.J should go to Brazil and teach them the DIR 
fundamentals and philosophy to these people dive better.

Best regards and dive safe ( without a cave baby-sitter guide of course 
!!!!), johndive.

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