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From: "Chris Elmore" <elmorec@at*.ne*>
To: <>
Subject: Re: CisLunar or Pepto-Bismol?
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 17:37:35 -0400

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <EanxMiss@ao*.co*>
> Guys and gals,
>   At my weenie dive club meeting last night, we had a guest speaker that
> informed us that Kendall would have died that day -- regardless of the Cis
> Lunar-because he had "stomach ulcers."  His words-the unit had nothing to
> do with Kendall's death. This speaker also showed us his tech rig which
> bungee wings. Fortunately, I read and asks questions and have been shown
> the light of DIR.
> Be safe,
> Leslie

      It took awhile but I finally got the ME's report on Henry Kendall and
it clearly refutes the "stomach ulcers" theory as the cause of death.

     The autopsy report  done by Benjamin M. Turner, M.D. on May 18, 1999,
states under Cause of Death: "Hypoxia due to improper positioning of oxygen
selector knob on diving re-breather apparatus." Also, the  report further
states: "Corroborating dive profile data print out from the equipment
indicates an initially inadequate and rapidly further diminishing oxygen
content in the atmosphere environment of the re-breather apparatus." All
available information was also submitted to James L. Caruso, M.D. (Diving
Medical Officer- Medical Corps, USN, pathologist at the Naval Hospital in
Pensacola) who agreed that, "...the information supports the final
interpretation of death due to hypoxia related to the incorrect positioning
of the oxygen selector knob as noted."

     Amazingly, the Wakulla2 website
<> still maintains that his
death was due to natural causes. Although they were quick to pull the
statement issued about the CisLunar causing the death, they certainly have
made little effort to amend their statement regarding "natural causes". I
suppose it's a moot point now that CisLunar has closed up shop and can no
longer support their customers. This is probably where Grant Graves got his
information but considering the source (Bill Stone), I'll believe the ME's
report. Hopefully, this will put an end to the BS coming from the CisLunar
camp of whistling-in-the-dark "experts".

Chris Elmore
PalmettoSoft Technologies Corp.
(803) 233-2001 (work)
(803) 348-3055 (mobile)

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