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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: <sinkkotp@sa*.fi*>, "Gliviak, Jozef" <Jozef.Gliviak@co*.co*>,
     "Quest@Gu*. Com" ,
     "Wkpp@Ya*. Com" ,
Cc: "'Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com'" <>
Subject: RE: Valves, Manifolds...
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 07:57:38 -0400
Why are you addressing this to me? My manifolds are on my tanks, not on the
"web", and they are the best available . WTF are you talking about?

-----Original Message-----
From: sinkkotp@sa*.fi* [mailto:sinkkotp@sa*.fi*]
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 6:06 PM
To: Trey; Gliviak, Jozef; Quest@Gu*. Com; Wkpp@Ya*. Com;
Cc: 'Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com'
Subject: Valves, Manifolds...

I saw your manifolds in the web, are those same as SUBmarex shit ?
we have had problems with those valves a lot
Change your valves ASAP pls.


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