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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: "Wendell Grogan" <wgrogan@dc*.ne*>, <>,
     "Quest@Gu*. Com"
Cc: <MICHAELPIZZIO@cs*.co*>, <>
Subject: Rule Number One was E: Death of Eric Reichardt, 9/16/01
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 00:43:11 -0400
Wendell, not to mention that the rest of us do not want to sit around with
the Coast Guard while they look for the Pizzio's of the world . You hit it
right on the head. These individuals have no right to saddle us with their
stupidity any more than a smoker has the right to sit next to us and smoke.

Pizzo and Riechart and the rest of these "personal freedom" types need to be
avoided as specified in Rule Number One, "Don't dive with strokes".

I will point out one more time that this attitude in my opinion either
emanates from IANTD or IANTD attracts it as the bastion of "personal

-----Original Message-----
From: Wendell Grogan [mailto:wgrogan@dc*.ne*]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: Death of Eric Reichardt, 9/16/01

I turned 46 yesterday.
I have gotten to the point that I hear this bullshit from smart ass kids
and just sigh.
No, if you kill yourself by doing something stupid- diving a CCR without
knowing how to build and repair the system with your eyes closed, riding
a street rocket without a helmet, free climbing without a safety line,
etc., etc... you will not die alone, you will not simply cease to be,
you will not let those of us who are left behind sleep easy at night.
It is the ultimate in self centered egotistical bullshit to say that you
can do this and no one suffers but yourself.  Even if no one gives a
flying f... about you, there is most likely going to be a lawsuit trying
to get some money out of someone because you killed yourself proving
that Murphy and Darwin were twins separated at birth.
Then, beside the people who were stupid enough to care about you, there
are those of us who will try to save your worthless ass, or worse, risk
their lives trying to recover what has become so much lobster bait on
the ocean floor...
The only way I will allow one of you jerks to do whatever you want
without complaining is if you pay for a million plus USD bond that will
go to your family, plus sign over all of your dive gear and cash to
whomever has to suffer the psychic pain of picking up the pieces of your
worthless ass.


Jim Cobb wrote:
> Michael-
> Even from a casual observer's viewpoint you can pretty much surmise that
> anybody using a CisLunar or a Buddy Expiration has a death wish.
> CisLunar went out of business, this particular unit has already killed one
> person in 10' of water. What can I say about Buddy Expirations except that
> playing Russian Roulette is cheaper and can be done in the comfort of your
> living room.
> This dive was doable on open circuit if properly planned and carried out.
> >From what I've seen there seems to be a "look ma, no hands" attitude with
> rebreather divers, I notice no mention of support divers on your trip or
> much of a contingency plan.
> Eric, and probably you, have (had) a death wish. Certainly driving a
> motorcycle without a helmet is not a good indicator (being involved in the
> organ donation business helmet-less motorcycle riders are a consistent
> provider of organs and tissue).
> The problem with Eric is that his needless death gives technical diving a
> bad name. It raises insurance rates and makes it hard to find a boat to
> you out. Plus it pisses off the Coasties making them unwilling to expend
> resources on "suicidal" technical divers.
> And your comparison with the WTC bombings is only valid insofar as the
> suicidal tendencies of the islamic fundamentalists and rebreather divers.
> Other than that the victims had no choice and you are debasing the
> of the heroic firefighters and policemen who died that day.
>    Jim
>  -------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Learn About Trimix at
> > From: MICHAELPIZZIO@cs*.co*
> > Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 09:19:48 EDT
> > To: strohm@ai*.ne*, dsmith218@ho*.co*, trey@ne*.co*,
> >,
> > Subject: Re: Death of Eric Reichardt, 9/16/01
> >
> > John, I am not crying, making excuses or any other the things you said.
> > had no need to post what happened, other than for the informational
> > and analysis you mentioned in your post.
> >
> > As for solo diving being ok, that is a personal choice.  It is not
> > against or illegal.  If you find that stupid, that is your chioce and I
> > respect that.  Erics choice was to dive solo, as was mine.
> >
> > From a practical standpoint, look at the post.  Look at the run time and
> > conditions.  Even though we jumped off the same boat at the same time
> > drifted in together, there was about 1-2 minutes were I did not see him.
> > there ever a time you dont see your buddy for one minute?  Do you dive
with a
> > line tied to seach other ?  Can we discuss the buddy team of three that
> > in Palm Beach a few years ago?
> >
> > I respect your opinion on solo diviing, it is shared by many.  As for
me, I
> > prefer solo most of the time.
> >
> > Regards, Mike
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