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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: "Richards, Simon" <richardss@nm*.co*>, <>
Subject: RE: Travel - luggage restrictions
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 17:35:21 -0400
You are leaving out the fact that those planes from Curacao to Aruba or
Bonaire have open cargo bays to the cabin. No shit they take your dive

-----Original Message-----
From: Richards, Simon [mailto:richardss@nm*.co*]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:46 AM
To: ''
Subject: Travel - luggage restrictions

I just received this from "Scubadoc".

Best regards,

Simon Richards

-----Original Message-----
From: lists@is*.co* [mailto:lists@is*.co*]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:49 AM
To: richardss@nm*.co*
Subject: Diving Medicine Online Newsletter

Good Morning!

Here is a letter from David Colvard that should get your attention and
warn you of things to come:

This morning at the Flamingo Airport (Bonaire) a number of divers, including
myself, were surprised by having multiple items confiscated by the airport
security personnel.  We had expected some increased measures, but nothing
like we experienced.  I had left my new dive knife back at my
condo at Sand Dollar, but they went through EVERYTHING with a fine tooth
comb and took my nail clippers, blunt scissors, and tweezers FROM my toilet
kit in my checked baggage.  They also refused to allow me to check as
a box containing a tv I was returning to the States, even though I had just
brought down several electronic items in the same box a week earlier.  I
was told it was new FAA rules, but that was not true.  I had to leave it
behind and I plan to file a claim against American Eagle.  Several dive
knives which were in luggage were confiscated, even though they were NOT
in carry on bags.  Another diver headed to St Vincent from Bonaire through
San Juan lost his regulator repair tools, even though they were in checked
luggage, not in carry on luggage.  Half the passengers on our American Eagle
flight had similar experiences.

Bottom line:  Divers should be aware that the islands are interpreting
the new airport security FAA rules VERY strictly and should NOT attempt
to bring any "sharps" or tools on any flight, whether in carry on or checked
luggage.  I hope you will issue an immediate alert to divers who plan any
air travel to the islands in the near future.

David F Colvard, MD
Principal Investigator, Safety Survey of Recreational Scuba Divers
Board-certified Psychiatrist
Member of Underwater & Hyperbaric Medical Society

3725 National Dr #228, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA
Office 919-781-3141    FAX 810-314-2181

Ern Campbell, MD
Diving Medicine Online

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