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From: Robert Wood <rwood@sp*.co*>
To: "'ANDREW_MCALPINE@ba*.ne*'" <ANDREW_MCALPINE@ba*.ne*>,
Subject: RE: Metric vs Imperial
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 10:10:44 -0400
	How about you Brits getting a rational phone numbering system ?

-----Original Message-----
From: ANDREW_MCALPINE@ba*.ne* [mailto:ANDREW_MCALPINE@ba*.ne*]
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 12:18 AM
To: techdiver
Subject: RE: Metric vs Imperial

How asbout getting you guys across the pond to switch to the "A" buoyage
as well whilst you're at it?  ;-D

Andy (Ace) McAlpine
(+973) 9606240

[\]Robert Wood
The St. Lawrence River - fresh, warm, visible diving.
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