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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
Subject: TDI again
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 20:42:09 -0400
Read this bullshit:

>Subject: Insurance renewal time is running out.
>Marsh Diving Insurance Department is open all weekend to aid you.
>Contact Peter Meyer at 604-443-3505 or via e-mail at: peter.meyer@ma*.co*
>Ultimately, after we have spent the time looking into the values and merits
>of all the programs, we would most likely, come to the conclusion that the
>first program, is out first, because the architects of the program know
>they have is the best value and best organized program.
>This year was not any different from any past year.  Technical Diving &
>Scuba Diving International hit the market first with many expanded features
>in both it's instructor and facility insurance offerings.  If you take the
>time to compare you can find coverage that may beat our price by a buck or
>two but take a closer look.  Does any other policy cover you for SOLO
>likely change the way the world goes diving.  Facility instructors are
>reporting great reactions from the experienced diving community. Solo Diver
>Certification is another TDI & SDI first.  In a recent survey 71% of the
>divers said the would take a Solo Certification Program.  Wow! You can't
>afford to miss this opportunity. To find out more visit
>At TDI & SDI we don't want to see you get squeezed into just filling out
>your forms like last year.  We want to show you value and service. Peter
>Meyer and his staff will be working all weekend to assist you with quoting
>and policy writing.  We are confident we can provide you with the broadest
>base of coverage at the lowest possible cost.  Please call us at our inside
>office number 604-443-3505 or via e-mail at peter.meyer@ma*.co* so we can
>get you set with our program effective 7/1/01 at 12:01 am.
>General information on insurance programs along with applications can be
>found at
>We are always working to make you and save you money!
>Clifford J. Simoneau
>Sales & Marketing
>PS. Please don't forget to ask about DIVESAFE DIVER ACCIDENT COVERAGE.
>Annual membership and annual renewal of membership fee's are forwarded to
>you the dive retailer for assisting in bringing this to the diving public.

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